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From the author: This article is from the newsletter of the project “Women’s body: healthy, beautiful, sexy” In conversations (especially with women), the phrases “oh, if only the legs were a little longer or the chest were a little more..." (then there is a choice: “if I had a husband”, “if I had a job”, etc.). Yes, we are all familiar with this. And I agree with the smart people that we must learn to accept ourselves, not run for other people's stereotypes. But how to do that? I researched this question, and this is what came up. First, you need to get to know yourself. No matter how funny it may sound, we do not know our body, its needs and desires very well. You can set aside a little time every day to look at yourself carefully in front of the mirror and note the features of our body. And first, learn to say “features” and not “disadvantages.” If you can't love your body like this yet, just get to know it. After all, our body is given exactly to us and exactly as it is. You can, of course, think about plastic surgery. Or you can remember Barbra Streisand with her special nose and many other examples. After all, the point is not what kind of body you have, the main thing is how you feel in it. And you can not only look carefully, but also feel carefully. Observe yourself: at what time do you want to eat - when everyone has gone to lunch or an hour later, or maybe today you don’t feel like having dinner at all, but you tell yourself “I have to” and stuff (there’s no other way to call it) potatoes and chicken into yourself . What do you want to eat? Really familiar potatoes or a large portion of salad today? Or a small piece of fish? Or cake? A huge piece? Or are three spoons enough for us, but out of habit we finish the whole piece? Psychologists and experienced nutritionists say that being attentive to your food needs greatly simplifies the process of putting your body (and figure, of course) in order. And most importantly, if you have learned to feel at what point you should start eating, at what point to stop, what to eat and what not, your weight and figure will not “walk”, they will always remain at their natural norm. We have a very stereotypical approach to food, there are a lot of “shoulds” (especially when authoritative people say...). But the human body is a complex thing and very individual. And it’s much more important what you need at the moment. And also to the question of whether you need to change something in yourself - remove your hips, tighten your stomach, etc. We have good experience here, of course. We set a goal (a picture of an athlete from a magazine), develop a plan - diet, gym, massage, and even a swimming pool. Everything looks great - we take care of ourselves and work on our own health. But what does our body think about this? Is he really comfortable with 90cm hips? Or is your natural circumference still 100 cm and you don’t need to mock yourself? It’s very important to be friends with your body - listen to yourself, watch yourself! Then the body will become a good friend (and not a separate object from you that can be sculpted according to any template), then it will hurt less and bring more joy. And every time you look at yourself in the mirror, you will see a good friend, whom you don’t want to compare with anyone, and with whom it’s interesting to go through life, and not a witness to your mistakes, mistakes and shortcomings))) Make friends with your body! This article is from the newsletter of the project "Women's body: healthy, beautiful, sexy" http://romulusbody.livejournal.com/
