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Today I want to introduce you to the SCORE model, which allows you to analyze a problem situation in any area of ​​life as quickly and efficiently as possible. Its authors are Dilts and Epstein. The abbreviation stands for the following: S- Symptoms (symptoms) C - Causes (reasons) O – Outcome (result) R - Resources (resources) E – Effects (effects) Now let’s look at each point in more detail: Symptoms are how the problem manifests itself the situation now, today. What exactly is the problem? What would you like to change in the current situation? Are there any pitfalls that need to be avoided? It is necessary to describe the situation as fully as possible. Causes - at this stage, cause-and-effect relationships are considered, we identify the main elements that are responsible for the occurrence of the problem situation. What caused the problem? When did this problematic situation first arise or when did you first pay attention to it, did you notice any negative manifestations? Why are you still in this state? What prevents you from coping with the problem? Results - what should appear in your life instead of symptoms. What could be the best outcome of resolving this problematic situation? What do you want to replace the symptoms (manifestations of the problem) that you have now? Describe what your life will look like when this problem goes away. These must be specific goals. The goal must be specific, have a measurable end result, that is, we must know exactly by what criteria we will know that we have achieved the goal. The goal must be achievable at a given time and under given conditions. And finally, you need a specific deadline within which the goal must be achieved. Resources are what will help you solve the problem. Who can help you solve this problem? What do you need for the problem to be resolved? What is still missing to achieve results? Where and how can you get what is still missing? Have you ever encountered similar situations before? What helped you cope then? Is it possible to use some experience from your past life? Has anyone you know had a similar experience? How did they act in this case? What can help you take the first step towards change? Effects - How do you imagine your life after the problem is resolved (in the categories: see, hear, feel)? How will this affect you and your loved ones? Will these changes be for the better or for the worse? What are the long-term consequences of changing the current situation? What could happen if the situation remains unchanged? What will definitely never happen if everything remains as it is today? As a result of step-by-step elaboration, the problem is transformed into a problem that can be solved and solved. Good luck to everyone! Click thank you and recommend the article on social networks if you want more happy people around you :)
