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Everyone around me lacks motivation, and they are constantly trying to find it... But you, on the contrary, have a lot of desire to act, but it doesn’t help, and still you don’t do anything ! Sound familiar? Why does this happen?⠀Our internal limitations⠀You want to open your own business. Full of enthusiasm! But then it sounds in your head: “Who needs this? There is huge competition in the market. It definitely won’t take off.”⠀These are your limiting beliefs. All those attitudes that are formed from childhood, under the influence of parents and society.⠀There may be some truth in them, but more often they are based on false judgments. At the same time, they can greatly influence our decisions.⠀Because of them, we cannot decide to leave work, get creative, or change our lives.⠀What to do❓⠀Track the attitudes that interfere with you and write them down. Then try to reformulate them into something positive.⠀For example, this attitude: “you can’t make money with creativity.” Ask yourself a question: is this really the case, maybe there are examples where it’s the other way around? If you honestly answer this question, you will see that many people around you choose creative professions and make great money, and not only among the “stars”, but also, probably, among your friends! Return to the new installation more often, and then over time it will displace the old one 👌⠀ Excessive severity towards yourself ⠀ “You are the cause of all your failures. Take responsibility for your life!” - one of the slogans of our time.⠀It is very important to take on this responsibility, but still we should not forget that sometimes circumstances also influence us.⠀For example, it is much easier to continue a successful parent’s business than to open your own from scratch, without funds. And this does not mean at all that you should give up!⠀What to do❓⠀Definitely not to plunge into suffering about your unhappy lot! Take action! Just be kind to yourself at the same time. Everyone has some limitations, and that's okay. And if the obstacles are temporary, try to overcome them.⠀Have you decided to play sports, but you can’t go to the gym? You can lay out a mat for practicing at home! I will be glad to see your responses and likes)) Also subscribe to my Instagram*: INSTGR_LINK my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpdRDmDMYf3-BweS1JmOwow/videos?view_as=subscriber * Instagram belongs to the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
