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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/ Men do not tolerate female hysteria well, they scatter like cockroaches from the poisonous chalk “Mashenka”. It is believed that a real man will not give a woman reasons to be hysterical, but a real woman does not need a reason. I heard one girl say to her mother with a serious face: “Now I’m going to throw a tantrum.” I wonder who she learned to talk like that from, and why the threat of throwing a tantrum is considered effective. Probably someone is afraid. Since the men run away like cockroaches, it means that the hysteria is working, that is, it affects those around them. But is such influence necessary? Many hysterical people admitted to me that they would be happy to behave decently, but they can’t - it’s a habit. On the other hand, there are so many reasons for hysteria that it would be a shame to throw a fit. For example, a man thinks that he doesn’t give any reasons, but that’s not true! Firstly, some men, just by their presence, create an irresistible desire to fall into hysterics. Secondly, three years ago he said something that when you remember, you want to kill. Thirdly, he must do so much, speak, listen, behave correctly! But the bastard doesn’t act, doesn’t behave correctly, and that’s how to explain to him without hysterics if he doesn’t understand. Well, then, all sorts of little things also cause an irresistible desire to wear out: the weather is not the same, the condition is not the same, the mood is bad, but he is in a good mood, the mood is good, but his face is sour, and in general, what if something happens. This is a short list of reasons and justifications. Everything is, of course, true, but the result is not pleasing. • When a man leaves, the hysteria loses the signs of high art. Without a grateful viewer, you can throw a tantrum into a wall or a pillow, but that’s not the same. Nobody will appreciate it. Every habit has its own “break” if you want to stop being hysterical. Those who do not have such a desire need not read further. 1. Accept the fact that you are hysterical. This fact does not mean that you have to tear your hair out, worry, and, ultimately, throw a tantrum again. It’s like admitting the fact of bad weather, you want warmth and sun, but it can be cold and rainy. Well, okay, that's the reality. 2. If you don’t like this reality, do another one. You can simply stop throwing tantrums after realizing they are not constructive; such cases do happen, but they are rare. Therefore, it is better to start gradually giving up ugly behavior, for example, like this. 3. If you want to throw a tantrum, don’t give up this bad habit right away. Just take responsibility for your behavior. Tell those around you, for example, your husband: dear, I’m going to be hysterical for about 10 minutes, you have nothing to do with it. I'll scream. Maybe I'll break something. Take the time, then I’ll put up with it. And throw a health tantrum for 10 minutes. But only the time that was allocated for this disgrace. Then be sure to apologize and thank them for their attention. 4. No one is against good potions and nice pills. Requires a doctor's prescription. It’s unlikely that you should immediately take something serious that turns off consciousness and causes the arrival of pink elephants and funny monkeys, this is an extreme. But simple natural sedatives, such as motherwort and cat's joy (valerian), can and should be used if it helps. Try it. 5. It also happens that hysterics are a manifestation of some other disease, in which case it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. Just don’t go to the extreme - pretend to be a terribly sick person who is allowed to emotionally misbehave, explaining everything with his illness. 6. Ask for help and negotiate. If you know exactly what situations (words) irritate you very much, then you can agree with your partner so that, at least for a while, the other person will help you - if possible, eliminate the creation of these situations, eliminate the use of inappropriate expressions. 7. Humor saves you from many unpleasant situations, including hysterics. Take preventative measures and laugh more. As Voltaire said: “Everything that becomes funny.
