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The first meeting with a psychologist is an exciting and even scary event for many. Because of this anxiety, many clients do not dare to go to the psychologist’s office. In this article I will try to answer the thoughts and fears that arise, and I hope that this will help reduce your anxiety level and cope with resistance. Fear No. 1. The psychologist will decide that I am “crazy” and send me to a “psychiatric hospital.” A psychologist can call a psychiatric team if the behavior is unpredictable and the client is endangering himself and others. That is, if you don’t have the habit of running at someone with an ax, then you don’t have to worry about emergency hospitalization. This is confirmed by the Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 N 3185-1 (as amended on December 30, 2021) “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees rights of citizens when providing it."But a psychologist can indeed recommend that you contact other specialists (psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, therapist) if the request or symptoms are beyond his competence. For example, if he suspects clinical depression or ADHD. Fear No. 2. I will be judged. It is our job to understand and accept the client. If a psychologist gives his personal evaluative narrowing to the client, then he violates the “Psychologist’s Code of Ethics.” “The impartiality of the Psychologist does not allow a biased attitude towards the Client. The subjective impression that the Psychologist gets when communicating with the Client, as well as the Client’s social status should not have any influence on the Psychologist’s conclusions and actions.”If you are faced with condemnation from the psychologist, then you should change the specialist. Fear No. 3. The psychologist will figure out that I am stupid and weak.1 Most likely these are beliefs that have nothing to do with reality. A psychologist will just help you cope with them if you have such a request. 2. Remember about the principle of “Impartiality”. Even if you are “stupid” and “weak”, the psychologist will accept you for who you are. 3. If you came to a psychologist, it means you really need help, and it’s great that you have the opportunity to get it. Fear No. 4. I will “load” with my problems A psychologist is a person who has studied how to cope with difficult experiences. Give him the opportunity to do his job. Allow yourself to accept help. If for a specialist your topic is emotionally difficult or difficult for him, then he can redirect you to another psychologist. Fear No. 5. If a psychologist tells someone I know about me, here I will again turn to the “Psychologist Code of Ethics,” as well as the Federal Law “On Personal Data.” The principle of confidentiality: “Information received by the Psychologist in the process of working with the Client on the basis of a trusting relationship, is not subject to intentional or accidental disclosure outside the agreed conditions." Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ (as amended on July 14, 2022) "On Personal Data" "Operators and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties to persons and not to distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.” A psychologist can share a case, for example, include it in a study or article, only with the consent of the client. Fear No. 6. You need to go for a long time and every week. In duration, psychological work can be divided into counseling and psychotherapy. Advisory assistance is short-term in nature, up to 10-20 consultations. Its goal is to solve a specific problem (request). Psychotherapy implies a long-term nature and is aimed at deep personal changes. Here the center is the relationship between the psychologist and the client. At the first meeting, you discuss the request with the psychologist and agree on the format of the meetings. If this is advisory assistance, then for some 2-3 meetings are enough, for others more. Fear No. 7. Negative past experiences with a psychologist. The personality of a psychologist plays a big role in psychological work. You may have encountered a specialist who is not suitable for you or who is incompetent. Therefore, when choosing a psychologist, I recommend that you consult.
