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From the author: Sad reflections after the events in one of the Moscow schools. After every egregious incident: a murder, a plane crash, an accident, a flood or something else sad and terrible, we begin to fight with enviable tenacity... the consequences. This is reminiscent of what a lawyer I know called “automatic lawmaking”, when something needs to be dramatically changed, redone, “take measures”, punish someone, but you don’t need to know how it will work further, the main thing is that measures have been taken, the reaction There is. And today, when I arrived at the university, I talked with the head of educational work, and we decided to wait for a letter from the Ministry of Education after the incident at the Moscow school “Oh... there’s something there, behind number 453,” where smart people they will strengthen it, they will say something to someone, something somewhere. This has become so commonplace in our everyday life that even from the outside it gives rise to a rather disgusting feeling. And it also becomes offensive and terribly cynical to perceive this after the tragedy. This is such an administrative resource! Officials and administration have no other choice. But from the outside, it looks more like the behavior of a child who does not have the ability to predict his actions and sooner or later finds himself faced with its logical result, but this surprises him, how is it possible, how could this even happen? It makes no sense to assess the situation in a Moscow school, I only heard it from the media, but the reaction can be predicted with 100% accuracy, and this is the most unpleasant thing in this story: they will shout about the fact that the games destroyed children, teenagers again corrupted, it is necessary to ban everything Western and the United States as a whole, and the spiritual bonds of the Old Slavonic and Russian Orthodox Church should be struck at once, it is necessary to install metal detectors, turnstiles in schools and further strengthen the administrative resource in the form of private security companies and the head of security, it is necessary to punish teachers and psychologists, schools, and like, and like, and like... But this is how metal detectors, turnstiles and private security companies, together with the security director, will protect students and teachers from the students and teachers themselves, because the threat is not outside, but inside, it is hidden inside the school walls, which in recent times time begins to smell like a punishment cell, a prison, a closed institution, reporters on social networks shared that the directors of Khabarovsk schools “in light of recent events” do not allow any comments and generally do not allow anything to be filmed, directing everyone to Olga Ten for permission. A triumph of social paranoia, mixed with fear and xenophobia, that has struck our society, already terrified by violence. It seems to me that the event that happened in Moscow can hardly be called a tragic accident; a lot has happened over the past 20 years both to parents and to our long-suffering school, and these events came into too close contact at one particular point, where the child is left virtually alone. Physicists call this point a bifurcation point, that is, a point where everything has led to a natural dead end, and where you need to seriously rethink something and draw conclusions, and not automatically react to what happened, comparing the boy with the hero of “American Psycho.” It is no secret for each of us that the school has become more emasculated, the soul has disappeared from it, the educational function has been replaced by an educational one, and not in its best form, where from an early age frightened teachers and parents intensively prepare the child for passing the Unified State Exam, when the entire breadth of education and the relations of such complex structures as family and school are aimed only at testing. Many claim that the school has lost its soul, love, acceptance, understanding, words so necessary for pedagogy. Parents and teachers are fighting for the right to leave the upbringing of their children in each other’s hands, it’s too hard for everyone to take on this burden, from my practice I often hear such ingenious situations where the child remains lonely and abandoned in this incomprehensible and unnecessary struggle. These tired teachers, on the edge of poverty, aging, with a clear and fierce understanding that!!!
