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Children's whims. Their causes and consequences. Just recently, your baby was just a baby. He brought sweet smiles to his family, and caring for him included feeding him on time, taking him for a walk in the fresh air, changing his diaper, bathing him, and putting him to bed. But now, he is already 1.5-2 years old. You notice that his behavior has changed, instead of an obedient baby in front of you, he is a little capricious, it is difficult for you to come to an agreement with him, he constantly demands something, is capricious. You are nervous and feel helpless. Are you starting to wonder if this is the notorious crisis of three years? But no. When a child is under three years old, it is too early to talk about a crisis. Here it is necessary to think about methods of education. The fact is that a newborn child needs timely satisfaction of his needs. And at 1.5-2 years old, he begins to develop a need to satisfy his desires. This is precisely the cause of all the difficulties. It is very important for parents not to miss the moment when the child begins to have not only needs, but also wants. It is not difficult to satisfy the child’s needs, but it is not always possible to fulfill all desires, and perhaps not always necessary. But the child is capricious, he begins to have hysterics, which can look different - demonstratively lying on the floor, stomping his feet, heart-rending screams, breaking and throwing toys, attacking with fists, etc. and so on. This is where the question arises: “How to react?” Parents, in fact, take the path of choosing whether to indulge the child’s demands or not. I would like to warn you that the path of constant concessions is very dangerous. The child begins to develop the habit of achieving the fulfillment of his desires by any means, including very unpleasant ones for the parents themselves. Let’s try to figure out what kind of desires they are that change the child’s behavior so much. Here are some of them: - The baby wants to attract attention to himself. He chose this way to communicate with you because he misses your company, your love. The need to be “needed by another” is one of the basic human needs. A child needs parental love from the very beginning of life. However, if he is surrounded by excessive care and attention, he unconsciously begins to abuse them. And then whims and crying become a way for him to call his parents to him, to attract their attention. In such a situation, parents need, on the one hand, to pay more attention to the baby, and on the other hand, not to indulge his whims and not to agree with him. about. Gradually, he must learn to play alone, because his mother cannot be with him all the time. The child feels more confident in the presence of his parents, this creates a sense of security in him. What is very important is not how much time you spend, but how you spend it. At the same time, you don’t have to give up your household chores, but communicate with your child in the process of doing them. And it’s even better to include him in this process, of course, this will take much more time, but it will allow the child to understand the importance of joint activities with his mother and his own contribution to the family. Remember your baby is like a blank slate and what you draw on it is there will be in the future. It will depend only on you whether he will help you or whether he will think that mom can cope without him. Let him become an assistant in all household chores. Just present it in the form of a game. Do you do laundry? Give him a small basin and let him wash his socks. Do you cook in the kitchen? Let him do the same and feed his toys. There are several positive aspects to doing household chores together. Firstly, the child is nearby all the time and you can control his actions. Secondly, you have an excellent opportunity to explain to your baby the purpose of certain objects and show which of them can be dangerous for him. -Reaction to a parental ban. A child’s tears can also be a reaction to a parental ban. It is difficult for a child to understand what “is possible” means and what is “not allowed”. Need to .
