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The absence of children, thank God, did not affect me personally. And there was no time to wait for them. They somehow unexpectedly “showed up” themselves..... “Knock-knock, can I come to you?” -Come in, dear children! And the children really became the closest and dearest, although no one was waiting for them or calling them. But out of duty, so to speak, I wondered why children don’t come to people? There are, of course, purely medical reasons, here I was treated, took some vitamins.... and voila-la-la! But when all medical indicators are normal, and “the stork cannot find its way”? These are the observations I came to. I am sharing with you.1. My husband doesn't want a child. sometimes he won’t admit it openly, only if you bring him to a frank conversation and find out the reasons. And the husband is the head of the family, a checkpoint, customs, if you like, and “customs does not give the go-ahead.” Maybe he already has children and problems in relationships with them.2. The potential mother cannot give a clear explanation of why she needs the baby.3. Problems in intimate relationships between husband and wife. The woman cannot “accept” anything from this man; the sperm’s path along her path is “blocked.” Or she subconsciously “greeds” her egg and fertilization does not occur.4. “To get something, you have to stop wanting it.” And expecting a child is no exception. This is confirmed by endless messages and stories: “We waited, waited, waited..... got tired, gave up, lost all hope.... went to the sea.... started renovations, decided to buy an apartment, built a house..... Got pregnant suddenly!".5. A state of constant severe stress that accompanies a passionate desire for pregnancy..... it is precisely this that is blocked. A woman’s body goes into “economy mode” and the first function that “turns off” is reproductive. And where is the way out in this situation? It would be nice to figure out these reasons, whether they exist in your life and the life of your couple, maybe add some other points, “talk through” them, work through them with a specialist and wait for the result - Baby!
