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From the author: For more than 5 years we have been cooperating with Hartina Uranova. Spring is coming. And today is such a sunny day, That it seems that the whole planet is under the sun, And it is squinting from the gentle light, And the snow is sparkling with delicate turquoise. Even though the day is clear and radiant today, I suddenly read sadness in the trees, And March heard laughter in the icicles, It was transparent and pure, like droplets. Meanwhile, the sun keeps pouring and pouring, And it seems that it will melt all the snowdrifts, That tower like a steep mountain, The snowdrop will peck at them, the time will come! Spring, spring! Your trace is still far away, Lost in the February whirlwind, But a sunny day - greetings in an envelope, That the welcome ships of spring send. (Natalia Baukh) &&&Spring! What joy does this word bring after the cold and dark winter days! It contains images of flowering hills covered with fresh greenery of trees and bushes. What a flood of smells! Spring fever takes over our senses, making romantic love or all-consuming passion almost inevitable. Life becomes unpredictable, and we have desires and strength for new projects and endeavors. Spring gives a chance for renewal and fills every new day with promises. Just as day follows night, spring always comes after winter, giving us the opportunity to start all over again. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new day: spring is the beginning of a new solar year. March 20-21 is the Day of the Vernal Equinox. The day of the vernal equinox, March 20 or 21 is the astronomical beginning of spring. Our ancestors throughout Europe considered the onset of spring an important holiday, with great they eagerly awaited its arrival (as we do now!) and celebrated it magnificently. The ancient Slavs celebrated Maslenitsa on the spring equinox, and the rituals of welcoming spring in Western Europe formed the basis of the great Christian holiday of Easter. Dates of the vernal equinox for the coming years: 2014: March 20, 16:57. GMT (March 20 19:57 Minsk; 20:57 Moscow) 2015: March 20 22:45 GMT (March 21, 01:45 a.m. Minsk; 2:45 a.m. Moscow) 2016: March 20, 4:30 a.m. GMT (March 20, 7:30 a.m. Minsk; 8:30 a.m. Moscow) The magic of the vernal equinox The vernal equinox in 2014 falls on March 20, the exact time is 16:57 UTC or 19:57 Minsk time. On this day, the Sun crosses the celestial equator in its apparent movement along the ecliptic, the length of day and night are the same throughout the Earth and equal to 12 hours. From the point of view of astrology, the day of the vernal equinox is considered the day when the Sun enters 0° Aries. This point is the beginning of the Zodiac. Once upon a time, the Sun actually rose against the background of the stars of Aries on the day of the spring equinox, but due to precession, the equinox point has shifted and is currently actually located in the constellation Pisces. Since the signs of the Zodiac are not associated with constellations, although they bear their names, the first sign of the Zodiac is still called Aries. Spring Equinox RitualThe Spring Equinox is a powerful magical time for rituals of new beginnings. Such rituals help achieve new or unfinished goals, desires and intentions. The day of the vernal equinox finally breaks the shackles of winter, opening a period of growth and flowering. This is a time when nature itself supports your endeavors, a time for everything new, when everything is possible. Decide what you want and determine how you will achieve it. Goals can be very different, both spiritual and practical. Maybe you want to attract love into your life, develop a business project, gain financial independence, or move to another city. This can be any desire that is associated with something new that will come into your life.• It’s good if, to perform a magical ritual, you choose dawn or sunset on the day of the spring equinox.• For the ritual you will need: white and black candles, beautiful paper and a pen, seeds of any plants and a pot of soil where you will plant them.• Decorate the ritual site with flowers, suitable for indoor use!
