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Depression is a mental disorder that manifests itself as a lack of a positive attitude and an inability to enjoy the same manifestations. Also included in the definition are symptoms such as a decline in self-esteem, unreasonable feelings of guilt, fatigue, disturbance sleep and appetite. In some cases, depression may be a consequence of a traumatic event (divorce, loss of a loved one, dismissal from work, quarrel, some kind of conflict) - this is a normal temporary reaction. This should not be equated with the blues that go away in a couple of days or a bad mood that will soon improve; depression is an illness and its symptoms are usually long-lasting. How can we cope with this? First, we need to accept the situation. A common mistake is that by concentrating on thoughts about getting out of this state, we become more immersed in them and a vicious circle results. When attempts to get away from a problem are unsuccessful, apathy sets in, as a result, inaction and depression grow stronger. When we accept it, we do not allow it to spread further. The next step is to work with thinking. Don’t replay the same problem in your head, don’t get hung up on the situation, but change your attitude towards it. If you go through the question: “What did I do to deserve this?”, try to reformulate it: for example, “What can I do now?” By posing the question in this way, you will “turn” the position of self-flagellation towards a solution. Now let’s see what the end result is: acceptance + working with thoughts = improving the situation, and this is a good step towards not letting a similar state into your life again. Well, even if it happens that it strikes again, then knowing what to do with it and generally being able to recognize it. It’s important! Feelings of depression are accompanied by a lack of energy, almost always. Laziness, apathy, reluctance to get off the couch are her most faithful companions. I have to go through I don’t want to. Energy appears only through its waste. It’s a paradox! We go for a walk, play sports, meet friends, don’t sit still and enjoy the changes. If you are faced with this condition and need help, please contact us! Let's figure it out together!
