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From the author: In order for art therapy to be of high quality and produce results in the drawing, preliminary work must be carried out to restore its volume. The point is not to learn the tricks and techniques. The point is to reveal your invaluable source of creativity and your zest. 07/13/2010The report "Health and Success through Art Therapy" was presented at the V International Forum - Exhibition "Integrative Medicine 2010". Why we grow old. Why luck and health disappear. Why fortune disappears. In order for art therapy to be of high quality and produce results in the drawing, preliminary work must be carried out to restore its volume. Art therapy as a concept, as a technique, has several directions. The direction that I work in is my own. We are all well aware of the tests of psychologists who ask us to draw some kind of drawing, and from the drawing, the psychologist determines what is inside us, what problems prevent us from living... My method is somewhat different, very interesting and amusing. I suggest that you begin to discover your own resource, your unique capabilities, as well as recycle mistakes and turn them into an advantage. We are talking about restoring your unique chemical code. “Like attracts like.” The inner magnet will attract as much. What does a good luck magnet consist of? Why is a person healthy? This is the internal energy capacity of a person. This is the entire volume or, in other words, the scale of the personality. There is a scale of personality only for oneself. Only for family. Yes - for a city, country, nation, world, universe, etc. The development of the family and business depends on this, who is at the helm, what is the energy intensity, and this is how the business system will develop. Everyone has a certain individual quality from which their personality is built. Everyone has a certain initial energy capacity. Everyone has a task assigned before birth, or in other words, a purpose. And for everyone it is different in volume. When a child is born, he has a huge amount of energy, he is open to the whole world. But in the course of life, various kinds of events occur and volume, both opens and grows, and shrinks and is lost, and most often scattered in illiterate interactions. There is a volume at birth and there is a total experience passed through various situations. And when a person goes through various situations, the total mass of interactions is added to his volume (mass) of energy, which amounts to an increase in the person’s internal strength. When a person does not go through the situation, the volume remains the same and the magnet does not increase. It often happens that one’s volume is lost; this happens due to ignorance about interactions in society and due to ignorance about the law of conservation of energy. Resentments, fears, guilt, hatred, irritation and other human emotions block the volume and waste the energy intensity of the system. Instead of its vibrational frequency, the system is filled with other frequencies, coming through irritation and other emotions of attachments. Thus, a person loses his color, his smell, his charm and, accordingly, the field of luck is fragmented and spreads out. This is how the volume becomes of different frequencies, and your personal volume is smeared and scattered. The total of your negative and positive is the volume of a person. And by giving up his negativity, a person unconsciously gives up his own energy, albeit compressed and heavy, but his own. Or rather, a person loses part of himself, and by the end of his life all of himself. Why we grow old. Why luck and health disappear. Why fortune disappears. Because a person unconsciously abandons his part, the one that he stops loving, blocking it or losing it. All kinds of stress, the death of loved ones, drain huge amounts of energy. By combining the roles of external people - father, mother, wife, husband, children, partners with ourselves, we forget that inside there are the same roles, but consisting of their own vibrational frequency. And when losing someone, his role in such a volume of loss goes away and is replaced by the lost one (so he thinks, having previously become attached.
