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IN MY HEAD THE ANTONYM OF WAR IS PEACEFUL LABOR. Even during the Great Patriotic War, science and people continued to do their thing: new rules of the Russian language were adopted, undying matches, luminous paints, vitamins from pine needles, a sugar substitute, and hand warmer gloves were invented. The scientist Maksutov created photographic lenses for amateur and professional photography. And Academician Vishnevsky his legendary ointment. There are things that do not depend on us. But LIVING is something we CAN DO! But if you still can’t cope with anxiety, then WRITE... Trust paper with everything that happens inside you. Describe your state, the feelings you experience, the desires that come to you. Even if they sound monstrous and barbaric, allow yourself to write it down on paper. Write until you feel that your breathing has become smoother. Why do you even notice your breathing? OR DRAW... Imagine your anxiety. What does it look like and try to draw it. At the same time, it will not necessarily be an understandable image - it can be a scrawl or a doodle (as the children say), the main thing is to make it as emotional as possible. Make a so-called emotional release. And then there are options: finish drawing THIS to a picture you like, turn it into neurography (who knows how), crush it, tear it, drown it, if you want to do this, don’t stop yourself❤️💫OR BREATHE... You can turn on the body’s reserve forces using breathing techniques . If you need to calm down, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. If you harmonize, breathing in 4 counts helps a lot. Take 10 breaths counting 1,2,3,4. So that the inhalation and exhalation are the same. It would be good if this breathing did not have points, that is, inhalation smoothly turns into exhalation, etc. OR ACT... any movement, physical exercise, cleaning the house, rearranging furniture, anything to get the body moving. If you have children, then a good way to play any games with them: active, board, imaginative. This will distract you and help your children relax, because they, reading your anxiety, will blame themselves and be even more stressed than you. OR THINK about those around you. Maybe someone needs help? What actions can I take now for myself and my family? Let these be small steps, but those that you can actually take. This will show your brain “I can do something” and “I can cope.” This is necessary in order not to lose support. 🧘‍♂️🔔If you feel that you can’t cope on your own, write to Direct, WhatsApp, maybe I can provide you with support❤️And remember that together ❤️ we are strong and will cope with any difficulties.
