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How to turn on the optimal performance mode, which is ergonomic and environmentally friendly for us? And also bring it to the level of habit, so that it happens by itself, so that you don’t have to think about it? How to work with such a frequency of restorative practices that it is healthy, ergonomic, environmentally friendly for you, so that you can strengthen your health at work and not waste it? Is this possible? Of course. Let’s turn to ergonomics, this is the science of how to make work environmentally friendly and safe for a person for the body. ergonomic objects can be objects of work, methods of work, workplace lighting. Now I want to emphasize that your work schedule can be ergonomic if you include practices every one and a half to two hours that give you a rest on all four levels : physical, mental, spiritual and spiritual. The schedule and ergonomic organization of work most of all depend on you personally. And if you just remember all the time about warming up and recharging, having developed the habits of working ergonomically, then gradually they will simply enter your flesh and blood, like the habit of brushing your teeth, you will feel much better and more joyful. What can help with this? You can read Loretta Breuning's book "Happiness Hormones" She very clearly talks about how to make your day easier and more enjoyable, and your whole life more joyful. So it is very important to develop those habits that make your day include all sorts of warm-ups, emotional warm-ups. When you just chat with your colleagues. When you see photographs, your favorite landscapes, your loved ones, your loved ones. When the relationships in a team are so supportive, humorous, fun, and this also creates a joyful background for your work. In order for these habits to warm up, switch, give yourself recharge and for body, brain, and emotions have become natural for you; you need to remind yourself to do them for at least 21 days. And after 65 days, these habits become so stable that even after some serious stress they still do not disappear, and they help you even to avoid getting into these serious stresses. On day 21, set a reminder in your phone to do one of the practices every one and a half to two hours, maybe you will agree with your colleagues that they will remind you of this. Or I, as your personal or group trainer. Is it always easier to learn some new skills together? Any warm-up for the body and mind, for joy and greater meaningfulness of what you do. Including creativity. I have more than 50 of these. Over 21 days of repeating recharging, paths are formed in our brain along which signals run from one neuron to another, so strong neural connections are formed that make recharging habits. When you do each of the practices for the first time, it will It will work out creakingly. After all, for the first time, neurons “extend a hand” to each other, get to know each other, and the unfamiliarity of the action can create a feeling of discomfort, the brain literally creaks. I heard how my brain would hold together when I mastered flamenco movements. There is no ordinary counting, unusual movements, it was as if I heard this creaking. The next day I felt very bad. But then I decided to do these tasks that they give me there not as I’m used to with the excellent student syndrome, but “for a C.” And you know, it has become much easier. I also suggest that you do all these recharging practices that are offered in my program with a C grade, then it will be easier for you to create the first neural path from one neuron to another. When the electrical impulse is still looking for this path , it’s difficult for him, and every next time you repeat the recharging practice, this path from neuron to neuron of the electrical signal will be easier and easier to pass. Gradually, a whole path is developed here in 21 days, this will already be a reliable path noticeable in 45 it will be just such a path, but in 65 days it will be a path, and it/
