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Every person is a unique, creative individual capable of achieving incredible success in life. However, limiting attitudes formed under the influence of the environment hinder the realization of a person’s potential. Over many years of conducting the “Your Limitless Possibilities” training, which is aimed at recognizing and overcoming beliefs that limit self-realization, I have identified several of the most destructive and common ones. Here is the list: There is very little good, there is not enough for everyone. Therefore, there is always a fierce struggle for resources. In this struggle, one person wins, and the rest turn out to be losers. To get something valuable, you need to work long and hard, and strain very hard. Most of the problems in my life are insoluble, I will have to endure them until my death. Most of my dreams are impossible to achieve. Success is very difficult to achieve, only a select few achieve it. It is not clear what needs to be done to achieve it. Failure is painful, it suppresses me, makes my life worse. Failures must be avoided. Therefore, you cannot take on a business in which you may fail. You need to avoid situations in which failure is possible. You cannot set goals that are not guaranteed to be achieved. The obstacles to my goals are insurmountable. I cannot achieve the success that other people have achieved. The success of the people around me suppresses me, makes me realize that I am worse than them. Therefore, I will not be interested in the success of others. I will build distance between myself and successful people so as not to start experiencing false hopes. To boost my self-esteem, I will find a way to judge successful people. I am just a grain of sand in the universe. I am carried through life by the flow of circumstances, and very little in my life depends on me. My capabilities are too small for me to achieve what I want. My capabilities are limited by physical laws, the capabilities of my body and mind, lack of money, lack of time, support, lack of connections, power, etc. Suppose you discovered one or more beliefs from this at the “Your Limitless Possibilities” training (or without it) list. And also realized what a harmful influence these beliefs have on your life. What to do with them? How to change them? You need to formulate alternative - liberating beliefs, and then gain experience that confirms them. But there is one difficulty with this. The fact is that a person’s beliefs work as filters. Those. a person notices only what corresponds to his beliefs and does not pay attention to experiences that contradict his beliefs. And if a person has formed limiting beliefs, then he will pay attention precisely to those experiences that confirm these beliefs. He will interpret facts to confirm his limiting beliefs. And moreover, he himself will (unconsciously, of course) create results with his behavior that will confirm them. Those. limiting beliefs will act as self-fulfilling prophecies. But how then do we gain experiences that support alternative liberating beliefs? This experience already exists in our lives, we receive it every day, but due to limiting beliefs, it simply cannot enter our consciousness, we simply do not see it. And we won’t see it, unless we start specifically looking for it. This is where the technique that I called the “Diary of Liberating Beliefs” will help us. It is a table. The left column contains formulations of liberating beliefs, each of them is an alternative to the limiting belief with the corresponding number. In the right column opposite the liberating belief are questions that help discover experiences that confirm this liberating belief. To overcome limiting beliefs, internalize liberating beliefs, and see possibilities beyond your picture of the world, start a notebook. And answer these questions in writing every day (or at least every week). No. Liberating?
