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From the author: “People are made of people.” Do we recognize this? Or are we arrogantly confident that our opinions and our decisions are absolutely autonomous from others? We hypertrophy our “I”, and then we don’t understand why we are lonely and empty. You often hear a rather arrogant opinion: “I am me!”, “This is my personal opinion!”, “This is my choice!” Now this idea is very popularized and is already having its negative consequences. Misconceptions cannot but have negative consequences (complete denial). In restoring justice, I would like to make a reference to the theories of personality formation shared throughout the world, which are precisely that “I” are my biological programs, unconscious impulses, archetypes of the collective unconscious, internalized meanings, symbols, behavior patterns. “I” are the meanings I have absorbed since childhood - from parents, educators, teachers, from fairy tales, from authors of children's books. And “I” is only a part of me. There are so many blind spots from which I make decisions, but I am not even aware of the sources. Later, after childhood, we are more free (conditionally) in our choice of authorities. Conditionally - because we choose based on previously formed settings. Conditionally - because in adolescence and adolescence nonconformism is powerful: “I choose black because everyone chooses white.” Conditionally free choice - because our consciousness is conditioned by the current formation and information field. Our brain cannot invent new meanings and meanings in large quantities. It is extremely rare that something truly original is created in it and there is no need to flatter ourselves. Strictly speaking, we are made up of other people. The combinations of others in us are unique and this is what makes us special. We can choose these others who we will focus on and choose the proportions. This is our freedom. Something more, something less resonates with us. In us such as we have reached today. We didn't come out of nowhere. We were created from others: literally and figuratively. We have needs, the world has opportunities. We learn about them from other people and then choose from the entire range, from the entire menu, subordinating our needs to each other, as we were taught to do in childhood. Or how, relying on non-parental authority, we allowed ourselves to want something and satisfy this desire. At the same time, someone builds themselves partially from our material. We "make someone's day" too. Thanks to criticality, thanks to which everything from the information field does not penetrate into us, we are not infected with all the ideas and moods. But this criticality as a system in us was also created by someone (or not created enough). Can I name at least ten people who shaped me, besides my parents and those who were very directly involved in my upbringing? Everyone made their own small contribution. And even the little children we were with in kindergarten. Educators, teachers, classmates, fellow students, employees, neighbors, fellow travelers... Some were remembered more, some less. Memory is not so capacious. And does a person need to remember in detail “who - how much - when”. It is probably more important to simply be aware and acknowledge these contributions, to be grateful. Psychotherapy allows you to understand, recognize and reconsider the sources of attitudes that are a brake on personal self-realization. But psychotherapy helps not only in identifying traumas and barriers, but also supports, resources. Supports... What helps us endure when things are not easy. These are some of our personal strengths, our values, attitudes, meanings. And their sources are other people... Not necessarily those who are with us in the present. They could remain in the distant past. They could have lived long before us and become a support for us thanks to their written message through the centuries. A small book of quotes from my professional experience. Clients about “others in themselves.” “At such moments I remember the words of my grandmother: “The worst thing is war, daughter.” “The kindergarten teacher loved me very much, she braided my hair,).
