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Any woman, without being in a relationship, perceives her life differently. Some people consider themselves lonely, others consider themselves free. But no matter how a woman feels, absolutely everyone wants a strong shoulder and a “wide” back nearby. And this is natural and normal. We love to say how strong and independent we are and being alone is not a burden, but almost a joy. This, of course, is deceit. This is contrary to nature itself. Without love, life is not fulfilling and happy. A woman wants care, admiration, tenderness, just like a man. And so, a lonely woman, suddenly realizes that she needs to do something, take some steps. As they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. But... you can’t go out to meet people, or in a restaurant, where and how? Fortunately, there are now so many “venerable”, “relationship-savvy” experts of different stripes. Choose - I don’t want it, any whim for your money. The other day, I was thinking about another situation of my client and something pulled me to turn on the TV, which I do extremely rarely. And how surprised I was when I saw on the first channel, just like that, an “analysis” of this topic. A portly woman stood in the studio and talked about her unique training for women. Undetermined age, with very active gestures. I didn’t see the beginning, but judging by the numerous faces in the studio, I could see this kind of surprised, stunned expression on their faces. The point is this. A woman, positioning herself as a psychologist, travels around Russia and conducts trainings on the topic: “How to get a rich man as a husband.” Here they show her training in one of the cities. I quote almost verbatim: “You, such beauties, are self-sufficient, knowing your worth. Remember, that man who earns up to 50 thousand rubles should not exist for you at all. I don’t even think about any kind of intimate relationship, I’m telling you, in principle. This is not your “hero”. Yours, this is a minimum of 100 thousand rubles and that’s for the first time. You must give him exactly 3 months. If during this time he does not raise his level to a million, that’s it, as they say, goodbye.” This was part of the theory. Then the practical part began. And it consisted in the fact that the “coach” and his charges went to the supermarket in the evening. Before entering, she strictly instructed them on how they should behave: “Approach the man you like, bat your eyelashes, and ask to pay for some purchase. You must remember that you are worthy of this!” And further, the girls’ ability to beg payment from men for their purchases is demonstrated. Who cares? One babbles that she forgot her credit card, the other that she lost her wallet, etc. Each of the wards sends her an SMS about their “victories”. "Hooray! they paid me for a bag for 4500!”, “He paid for the groceries” and so on. True, this did not go further. No acquaintances, no exchange of phone numbers. Honestly, somehow I didn’t feel quite “comfortable”. I was not only ashamed, but very unpleasant to look at all this. But the professional interest was so great that I promised myself to watch this action. During the process, it turned out that the leader of the training did not have a psychological education. There is some kind, once, technical and then, it’s not clear what. But with a proud look, she spoke about her personal achievements, about how she raises women’s self-esteem, how she teaches them to be liberated and not to be fooled by people who could not earn a decent income. And I thought, wow, begging raises self-esteem. This is something new...Her students were announced for the exit. Four women came out, yes, precisely women, who were well over 30. I expected to see young girls who, due to their still young age, could not figure out where the real thing was and where it was fake, not to say harmful. Women, completely ordinary, had already gone through marriage and divorce, some had children. They fiercely began to defend their “guru” from the attacks of the studio, where, indeed, psychologists and sexologists were present. They told, I don’t know, whether I believe it or not, that with the passage of data! -
