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The attitude “I can’t afford it” is one of the most common money attitudes that can interfere with earning money and enjoying life. Often this attitude arises due to a limited perception of one’s capabilities and uncertainty in one’s abilities. The source of the attitude can be either family upbringing, where parents constantly repeat to the child that money is evil, or an environment where people constantly complain about their financial status and have a negative attitude towards rich people. Also, the attitude can appear as a result of unsuccessful financial decisions and situations. The manifestation of the attitude can be different. For example, a person may refuse to buy necessary things, put off home renovations or the purchase of new equipment, even if he has enough money for it. He may also limit himself in entertainment and travel, because he believes that he cannot afford such expenses. You can work through the “I can’t afford it” attitude in the following way: Make a financial plan. You need to look at your income and expenses, determine where you spend your money and what expenses can be cut. Perhaps after analysis you will discover that you actually have something to afford. Study the topic of personal finance. Buy books, watch video tutorials, or take courses on financial management. This will help you better understand your options and learn how to manage your finances more effectively. Change your thinking. You need to stop thinking that you can't afford something, and start thinking about how you can do it. Look for ways to generate additional income, consider taking out a loan or investing. Work on your self-esteem. Often attitudes are associated with low self-esteem and lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Working on these aspects will help you overcome the "I can't afford it" attitude. Start engaging in self-development, encourage your achievements and respect your needs. Change your environment. Surround yourself with people who support your growth and development, not those who complain about their financial status and think that money is evil. Being around positive, successful people will help you stop thinking about your limitations and start seeing your possibilities. Thus, developing the “I can't afford it” attitude takes time and effort, but the results will be tangible. You will begin to feel more confident in your financial capabilities, and will also have the opportunity to live a full and interesting life. Remember that money is just a tool that helps you achieve your goals, and not a reason for limitations and suffering. Subscribe to my channel on money thinking and the psychosomatics of money Money in the head https://t.me/moneyinthehead
