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From the author: here is an example of how quantum psychology works. What is the secret of longevity? In a programmed setting! Quality of life is not of paramount importance. There are people who live up to 100 years of age in joy. And there are those who live poorly, without joy, but also until they are 100 years old. My grandmother lived for 92 years, she did not have a medical card in the hospital, she did not go there. Life was different, during the war I was left alone without a husband with three children... And all my life I remained faithful to my husband. When she got sick, she said, “It will go away on its own!” and it passed. And in conversation she always remembered “God is protecting me.” And God forbid! Another 92-year-old woman had a different program, “I grew up on honey.” From childhood she was taught that she was “replete with health.” The neighbor’s grandmother was always sick. She complained about life, asked God for death, and lived until she was 86. Her mother taught that you can die only when you have great-grandchildren... She waited and died. Ask yourself a question: how many years do I want to live? So, how much? Remember your answer. Now the next question is: what can stop me from living this long? And write down all the thoughts that come to your mind. That's it! And about disasters and sudden illness... And the fact that you are not careful on the road... If there is no answer to this question, and you are convinced that there is nothing that could prevent you from living as long as you want, then you will live as long as you want. Well, unless, of course, you want more later! But if there are answers, then these are precisely the attitudes that can prevent you from living to a ripe old age. They are different for everyone, as are the experiences in which these attitudes were obtained. If you look at them carefully, these are your fears. Or rather, the fears of parents and their parents, passed on by inheritance... In this place you just want to invite everyone to your training “Life without fear”. That’s what I’m doing now! Now you see these attitudes, you are aware of them, which means they have lost their power over you. With which I congratulate you! The only danger is what you yourself consider dangerous. The world just reflects your attitude. Only what you consider incurable is incurable. What you think is impossible is not possible. It is by our faith that everything is given to us. EVERYTHING is possible! To live to a ripe old age or even longer, in joy or in sorrow, in poverty or in wealth - we choose for ourselves. There is a law - my will is! What, I can’t believe it? So, there is some kind of installation here too...
