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Anka approached the entrance, laden with heavy packages from Pyaterochka. She was in a hurry - her little son Edik was left at home with the neighbor’s daughter. Suddenly she slipped on the ice, lost her balance and was about to fall, knocking over bags of eggs, milk and flour, when suddenly strong male arms grabbed her. The guy who came to the rescue took the bags from her and opened the entrance door for her. “Thank you very much,” Anka muttered embarrassedly, straightening her hat that had slipped down. The guy walked up the stairs ahead of her, as if he knew where she lived. Anka got worried. The guy stopped at her apartment. She began to examine him carefully. Scary and strange. And at the same time, thoughts swarmed in her head: “How handsome... And caring, attentive... Eh, it’s a pity, he’s too young...” But his face seemed familiar to her. And then she realized - this is Danila! When Anka was fourteen, she helped a neighbor look after her four-year-old son Danila when the neighbor went out on business. Danila said that he loved her and would marry her. Anka laughed. When Danila went to school, Anka sometimes helped him with his homework, and he said that she was harmful and he hated her, and tried to pinch her all the time. When Anka was 24 and Danila was 14, Anka got married for the first time . Danila had a motorcycle accident that day and broke his left leg. Three years later, Anka divorced her first husband. Danila was finishing school and preparing to enter college. One day, when Anka was walking in tears after yet another quarrel with her ex-husband, Danila handed her an armful of lilacs and ran away. The day before leaving for school, Danila sat all day on a bench at the entrance. He saw Anka coming out and went to meet her, but Anka was looking through him - at the man approaching the entrance. Danila blushed, clenched his fists and either screamed or sobbed, turned away, froze for a moment and quickly left. Danila went to study and Anka did not see him for five years. She only heard neighbor gossip that Danila was going to marry a classmate, proposed to her, and then suddenly changed his mind a week before the wedding. Meanwhile, Anka herself got married a second time and gave birth to Edik. Danila graduated from college and joined the army. Anka divorced her second husband and remained with two-year-old Edik. And recently Danila returned. Mature, matured. He no longer looked like a child, he was a man. A young and strong man. This moment in front of the door stretched into eternity. Anka looked at Danila, her chest was burning. She is 34, he is 24. She has two marriages and a four-year-old son. And he has yet to begin his independent life. She sat him on the potty when he was four years old. And now he is standing in front of her - so courageous and...Danila put the bags on the floor and hugged Anka tightly. Anka clung to him and burst into tears. “Tet-An, is that you?” “I’ll go then,” the neighbor’s daughter slipped out of the door. “Maaaam! Where are you?" – Edik shouted. Anka broke away from Danila and quickly ran into the apartment, sharply slamming the door behind her. What was she doing? After all, there is such a difference in age! They have such different lives. They don't have anything in common. What will they talk about? His friends will judge her. And her friends? But when he is still 30, she will already be 40. He is so young and handsome. And she is already so tired of life. And at the same time... They have been together since childhood... And they have so much in common... Was happiness really there all this time? But he just needed to grow up? Danila asked Anka on a date. Anka refused...When Anka was 40, Danila was 30, and Edik was 10, a daughter, Katyusha, appeared in their family. “That’s it, I finish my tea and run. Danila has prepared dinner and is already waiting for me,” said 44-year-old Anka, who barely looked 34. And she ran to her family. And I was left thinking, how often do we push away the happiness that walks nearby? How often do we not allow love to exist, thinking that it cannot exist in this relationship? How often do we rely on the fact that someone will judge us and in general “this is not possible, this is not the way it’s supposed to be”? Do we allow that miracle to happen in our lives that has already?
