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There is a path of comprehension and there is a path of achievement. The synthesis of my personal experience of finding answers to my own internal questions, and experience of working with clients led me to the discovery and awareness of the following formula: “Lack of movement into knowledge and one’s nature, leads to the need to move towards achievements. In order to prove and enjoy.” Now I will reveal and explain._______________________________________________________________________ If a person does not take steps towards himself, does not get to know himself, does not clarify for himself what he is like, what suits him and what does not suit him. , what is it for, etc. If he does not think about the Soul, and does not ask or avoids eternal questions and topics in his life. That is, if a person does not follow the path of comprehension. In this case, an internal vacuum is formed, an emptiness in this conditional area. And then it becomes exciting and painful from the presence of this emptiness. It’s as if she herself begins to make her way into a person’s life with unpleasant symptoms. Knocks on the door from the inside. This, in turn, often triggers a compensation mechanism. In order to qualitatively avoid meeting this frightening inner area, and prove to yourself and others that “I’m really doing great,” you need to move along the path of achievement. It is very desirable to achieve socially approved things - an apartment, a car, wealth, expensive accessories, travel, etc. things like that. And this is where we deepen into the path of achievement. Which ultimately only expands the inner emptiness and its external manifestations in life. I want to immediately note that the above achievements are undeniably significant in a person’s life, but I am a strong opponent of putting them “at the forefront”, so that they become an end in themselves behind which worthless. Do you understand? Because engaging in “achievement”, in business, for example, will sooner or later lead to a question that may sound something like this: “Well, I have achieved and proven, and received recognition, and what next?..” And then there can be at least 2 option.1. Achieve more and more, because what has already been achieved will never please or satisfy the Achiever himself. After all, he needs recognition from those around him, significant and close people. More and more new exploits are needed along this path; 2. At some point, you get tired of this, realize the futility of this path, and become a hostage to the increased feeling of internal anxiety by this moment, the roots of which still come from the same overgrown path of comprehension. And here you can either find yourself caught up in your own helplessness, or take the first step towards this knock on the door, as in Viktor Tsoi’s song. And returning to the universal values ​​and markers of success of our time, I would like to add that I am a supporter of such values ​​being unconditionally achieved, but in a different way. Through your own creative and professional realization, through discovering and following your interests and your own values. Do you understand? Your own, not universal ones! So that recognized material benefits become an excellent addition to a person’s bright and complete self-expression in this life. In this case, in my opinion, not only will the result be satisfying, but the path itself will become interesting and valuable. Then it is possible to achieve balance, and combine comprehension and achievement on one single and unique path. This path is life. The unique, valuable and inimitable life of each of us._______________________________________________________________________ If you liked the article, click “SAY THANK YOU” I will also be glad to receive your support, constructive criticism, or questions in the comments.
