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Then you can go to therapy with this request, but this can also be shameful, because you will have to open up, seem real next to another person - “what will he think of me when he sees all this? “, “What if he can’t keep his mask, his secrets, his true experiences and feelings, what if he figures out how abnormal/disgusting/imperfect/abnormal I am?” A person may be ashamed of his life, of what once happened to him, of how he lived, of his loved ones, of his relatives, of his relationships, of his behavior, of his reactions, emotions and feelings. And this is all there, and it is with this that a person goes to a psychologist, to therapy. And the most powerful trap is that through shame for something, this something merges with a person as a single whole and makes him somehow not like that, not normal, defective, disgusting, insignificant, undeserving of being a person at all in this universe. It’s a shame to be who you are, it’s a shame to be a loser, fat, an upstart, an outsider, a hard worker, other people can tell us “wow, what a nose/legs/ears/chest you have, etc.” and we become ashamed of ourselves, of our physiology as it is and as nature created it, it is a shame to be an ordinary person, and a million other variants of shame that absorb a person, paralyze, exhaust, drive into complex mental states, and hold in a vice for years. A person deeply ashamed inside may experience self-hatred for years, doubting his normality, feeling inferior, unworthy to belong to humanity and to occupy his rightful place in the Universe, trying to escape from this feeling using various defenses. A complex feeling of SHAME, a person may experience it for years , but not knowing that it is he, not being able to withstand it and perceive signals of shame, accepting them and correcting those moments where shame arises for a deeper knowledge of oneself, one’s spiritual and mental life. Perfectionists, arrogant people, angry people, people , avoiding close contact, dependent people “grow up”, as a rule, experiencing very strong shame (the result of a person’s psychological defenses against shame), which, like an abyss, sucks in, paralyzes and destroys a person. This happens through contact with another (about another). When experiencing a shameful situation, a person usually receives a traumatic experience, which, as it were, splits the person’s personal integrity, casting doubt on the person’s basic sense of self, his sense of normalcy and the right to be himself as he is. On the physical level, shame is a powerful event, in such moments (a person blushes, the heartbeat quickens, someone’s stomach begins to growl, eyes droop, knees tremble, etc.), which cannot be regulated by the person, which makes the shame even deeper , and the person feels that he is completely shining through and everyone now sees WHAT HE IS. It is important to get acquainted with your shame, see, recognize, recognize the physical signs of rolling shame, see your defenses against shame, as they say - give it a place in life. The feeling of shame is a completely normal feeling, it is neither bad nor good, it just happens, but it is inherent in man as a social being. Moderate shame is a signal that somewhere right now my ideas about myself and my real self have diverged, and now I am doing this, but what exactly is happening to me that led to such behavior, to such actions? And then you can descend into a deeper sense of yourself, self-knowledge, get in touch with your experiences, sensations, feelings. In the process of therapy, a global strong feeling of shame is cured to normal, as if the degree is removed, but this happens quite slowly and in contact, where it is safe, secure and where you can show shame, with the person who will share it, who is ready to go into the jungle of shame through fear of them. Thus, layer by layer, the heightened feeling of deep shame for oneself is gradually removed, and in the process one can learn to recognize shame, reflect, 8-950-205-26-67
