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From the author: published on the website (author's development specifically for the INWENT program training, Tashkent, March 2010)1. The game is based on the fact that an organization at a particular point in time can be in one of stages of development of the “Boston matrix” and she needs to decide which project is currently relevant for her. The situation of a workshop with an analysis of the components of the project is simulated. The more extensive and in-depth the work is done, the higher the score will be. The assessment is given by the game participants themselves to each other by casting votes according to the principle one person = one vote, and the participants do not vote for themselves. In case of equality of votes, the voice of the coach is taken into account. 2. The players are divided into 4 teams - “stars”, “cows”, “dogs” and “?”. The division occurs after the formation of teams based on lots.3.The game is designed to develop the skills of project managers, namely the qualities of “leader”, “manager”, “facilitator”, “mentor” and “analyst”. To do this, the game is based on dividing it into 5 rounds, in which teams of 5 or 6 people participate, 4 people participate directly in the game, the rest are “analysts” (observers, in fact this is the role of the business owner). 4 rounds of the game are intermediate, when 4 specific factors influencing the final goal are analyzed. 4. During the game, the team rotates roles by changing them at the table clockwise so that the players (except for the “analyst”) go through 4 roles in succession. The role of the analyst is constant; his task is to integrate at the last stage the results obtained by the team according to the degree of significance for the subsequent presentation. At each round, a representative of the table performs in one role, namely, “stars” - “leader”, “cows” - “manager”, “dogs” - “facilitator”, “?” - “mentor”. For the attention of the “analyst” - it is very important to correctly distribute people into rounds; the outcome of intermediate rounds may depend on this; your strategic thinking should manifest itself in this. After the game starts and the roles are fixed, the order does not change.5. The analyst participates in the game in the first and fifth rounds with the team; in the intermediate rounds 2, 3 and 4 he is an observer on the tables of other teams; rotation (change of tables) counterclockwise occurs after each round. The functions of the observer include monitoring the participants’ compliance with their role-playing functions in a given round, as well as compliance with the rules of the business game (mainly, eliminating possible conflicts in the team, up to a fine). If a conflict situation arises between the observer and the team, the arbiter is the coach conducting the game. 6. The entire game is stimulated by external motivation in the form of a cash prize formed through voluntary contributions from participants, as well as encouraging the use of “mentors” methods of internal motivation for team players. Since the results of the game depend on the level of creativity of the teams, to increase it, “mentors” need to focus on the internal motivation of the team players. 7. Formula for calculating the final result: Rating = Kom_i/Kom_max*0.5 + Kap_i/Kap_max*0.5, where Kom_i is the team total result of the i-th team scored in intermediate rounds 1-4, Kom_max is the total result of the team with the maximum score in intermediate rounds 1-4, Kap_i - the result of the i-th team obtained in the 5th round, Kap_max - the result of the team that received the maximum score in the 5th round. 8. Before the start of the game, the participants must agree on the amount of the contribution for the prize and fines among themselves. The winning team receives the entire prize. Notes: *Penalties imposed increase the size of the prize fund. ** Ideally, it is desirable to have a room divided into 4 soundproof but transparent compartments. *** Preliminary training for entering into team roles is desirable. **** In the absence of a suitable room and time for entering into team roles, the game can be played according to a simplified version . In a simplified version, rotation, 2010
