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From the author: What are human values? Why does he need them? Many of us ask these questions at different stages of our lives and in different life situations. However, constant rush and busyness do not allow a person to think about an important area on which the quality of life depends, such as values. Each person (especially in his youth) forms his own hierarchy of values, determining for himself what is important. It depends on what a person’s personal list of values ​​is, what their hierarchy is, that he is able to answer the question: “Quo vadis?” What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the most important thing in life? Our earthly path...What is the meaning and essence? Songs “Moonlight Sonata” Defining values ​​is not an easy task. In addition, value is the main category of the “theory of values” or axiology - a philosophical doctrine about the nature of values, their place in reality and the structure of the value world, i.e. about the connection between values, social and cultural factors and personality structure. (TSB, volume 28, Values ​​Theory) However, an exhaustive definition of the concept of “values” can be the following: “Values ​​are important and relevant desires for a person, which are accompanied by positive experiences and formulate the goals and meaning of his life.” Determine your values ​​(exercise)1 ) - Write down everything that is important to you in life (people, things, feelings). Do not pay attention to the following points, but do them one by one.2) - From the resulting list, select the 5 most important things that you would find it difficult to do without.3) - Write each of them on a separate card.4) - Set aside the most an insignificant card.5) - Then the next 2.6) - One more.7) - Think about whether this is really the most important thing, the value.8) - Have you, until today, managed to take care of it, strive for this values, create it? You can answer this question in the next exercise “Create your values” / Hierarchy of values ​​Building a hierarchy of values ​​is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Moreover, every person on planet Earth forms his own hierarchy of values. If a person considers the highest value – the goal in life – to be something that is unstable (money, fame, “high”), this can lead to the loss of the meaning of life. Indeed, in this case, this value is fragile, which means that it may soon simply cease to exist, leaving behind an emptiness. In order to build a healthy hierarchy of values, you still need to decide on stable values. A hierarchy that, in our opinion, is exhaustive was proposed by the German philosopher Max Scheller (http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Scheler). He identifies 4 main types of values: According to the philosopher, hedonistic values ​​are the lowest. These are values ​​associated with an easy and pleasant life that brings pleasure. Accordingly, these values ​​are unstable. Vital (vital) values ​​are higher in the hedonic hierarchy. They are also called biological (the right to life, vitality, healthy eating, etc.) Above are spiritual values, such as: truth, goodness, love, beauty. God and everything that relates to the Divine: holiness, salvation, happiness, grace , providence. These are eternal and metaphysical values. What is your hierarchy of values? Create your values ​​(exercise) In order to change your lifestyle, find your life meaning and goals, a person should first reconsider his own value system. When personal values ​​change, behavior also changes. If a person sincerely decides to change, the old value system ceases to control his behavior and he learns healthier, more correct behavior, which leads to long-term changes in life. # # # # # #Imagine that you have already lived to be 100 years old! You know a lot, you have unique wisdom, you understand that the earthly path is coming to an end! What advice would you give yourself when looking at life like this?
