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We have all heard about a healthy lifestyle. Usually, a healthy lifestyle means very little: exercise, healthy eating, absence of alcohol and nicotine addiction. The motivation for a healthy lifestyle, with all the variety of its verbal expressions, usually comes down to the following - lead a healthy lifestyle and you will be guaranteed good health, happiness and prosperity. What exactly is such a familiar and often unattainable healthy lifestyle? In words, people often agree: “You can’t live like this, you need to radically change your behavior.” They agree and continue to live as before. Why, despite all the ease of implementation and the promises of a positive existence, is it so difficult to stick to? What prevents you from leaving your usual lifestyle and replacing it with a healthier one? This article was written for those who were looking for answers to all these questions, for those who realized that it is impossible to live like this, who have already decided what needs to be done, but do not know how to achieve it. The article provides a comprehensive understanding of individual health, identifies obstacles that arise when moving towards a healthy lifestyle, and provides remedies that can eliminate these obstacles. The article is divided into three parts. You can skip the block that is not relevant to you now and go straight to the block that is interesting to you. Part one. So, let's talk about health, as it is understood by personality psychology. There are four components of personal health: physical, mental, its social and spiritual part. Physical health. When they talk about physical health, they usually mean the absence of diseases and painful sensations, good physical shape and appearance. Physical health is achieved through sports, through the organization of a certain nutritional system, breathing, and hygiene procedures. Speaking about a healthy lifestyle, we usually limit ourselves to mentioning only the physical side of an individual’s health. At the same time, the existence of other components of health is not taken into account. It is these parts that have a significant impact on the formation and maintenance of a healthy self-image by a person. Mental health. Mental health is often understood as the absence of a psychiatric diagnosis. Health psychology defines mental health through other categories. There are characteristics of the emotional, mental sphere and the sphere of personal qualities. At the level of the emotional sphere, health is determined by the following qualities: emotional stability, balance. resistance to stress. At the level of the mental sphere, it is assessed how a person perceives the world around him, what he thinks about him, how he reacts to it. At the level of personal qualities, indicators of mental health are: humility, patience, optimism, responsibility, open expression of one’s thoughts and feelings in an acceptable, adequate form. The level of mental health is influenced by the characteristics of the relationship system: a positive attitude towards oneself, adequate self-esteem, the predominance of a cooperation strategy, a calm, peaceful perception of everything that happens. The basis of mental health is a specially organized value-semantic structure of the individual. In particular, the predominance of spiritual values ​​over material ones in the personality structure has a positive effect on health. Social health. There are two social groups, inclusion in which determines social health: the professional community and the family. At the professional level, social health is determined through the success of professional activity and satisfaction with one’s work and status. At the level of family relationships, an indicator of social health is their harmony. An indicator of social health is its successful adaptation in society. Social health is closely related to the level of physical and mental health. Spiritual health. The level of spiritual health is determined by: love, as an internal attitude towards everything - toto oneself, to others, to life; meaningfulness and fullness of life, a responsible, conscious, creative attitude towards one’s life and health; an optimistic look into the future, harmonious relationships with oneself and the world around us, absence of fears, high morality. Thus, the idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle is much broader than our current understanding of it. A healthy lifestyle is not only about taking care of the body, but also involves the development of the personality as a whole. Part two. So, you said to yourself: “You can’t live like this,” you decided to change your usual way of life and are trying to behave differently. How will the body react? to change the usual pattern of behavior? By the time you started transforming your behavior, you had already accumulated sufficient experience, by this time you had already developed a certain image of yourself, your reactions were established. And then you begin to form a new image of yourself, your behavior changes. Naturally, the body will resist. This is how G.N. describes the physiological mechanism of resistance. Sytin in his book “The Happiness of Complete Health”: “As soon as a person begins to reproduce in his consciousness a new idea of ​​himself, a struggle of reflexes immediately arises in the cerebral hemispheres. This happens because new conditioned connections come into conflict with the previously formed dynamic stereotype, which is constantly supported by real stimuli and is therefore relatively strong. As a result, the formation and establishment of new temporary connections, which are the physiological basis of a new idea of ​​oneself, is inhibited...” That’s why we so often hear the phrase from smokers: “It’s easy to quit smoking, but it’s difficult not to smoke again.” In order for new conditioned connections to take hold, it takes time; constant work is needed to consolidate new behavior. Such work requires significant volitional efforts from a person. Part three. Work aimed at creating a new image of oneself and behavior. At the preparatory stage, we determine the purpose of change: what we will get by changing behavior. We present the result in detail: what it looks like, how it sounds, how it feels. We determine what changes will occur in relationships with friends, colleagues, and relatives. The SCORE technique is often used to carry out the preparatory stage. Now let’s move on to the main part. The result is achieved through self-education. What are the benefits of self-education? The object of self-education is always at hand. A brilliant prospect opens up: work on yourself, your behavior. Below are the basic methods and techniques of self-education: Self-persuasion - influencing yourself with the help of logical arguments. It includes thoughts, feelings, ideas and volitional efforts. P.K. Anokhin created the doctrine of advanced reflection of the nervous system. This principle is usually expressed by the phrase: “Thoughts materialize.” Self-hypnosis is used as a means of self-persuasion. Self-hypnosis is the repeated repetition of a statement that contradicts reality. Self-hypnosis formulas are pronounced out loud. If possible, the text of self-hypnosis is recorded on a voice recorder and listened to at a time convenient for you. When carrying out self-hypnosis, it is advisable to move; you can combine self-hypnosis with doing some kind of work. Self-hypnosis will give a good result if the impact is simultaneously on all modal systems: visual, auditory. kinesthetic. For example: “When doctors check the activity of my heart, they usually say (auditory modality), with such a heart you can live 100 years. I see (visual modality) myself as a person with a healthy heart. I clearly feel (kinesthetic modality) myself as a person with a healthy heart.”1 The effectiveness of self-hypnosis is much higher than with hypnosis. Self-control is the ability to control one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior. Self-analysis is an objective assessment of the situation. Transference method is the mental transference of the desired quality, which»
