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“Why prepare for parenthood?” - such a question once came from the lips of the husband of one of my clients. In this chapter we will discuss this topic. Indeed, why do you need to prepare for pregnancy? Firstly, because pregnancy must occur against the background of complete or almost complete health of the couple. Secondly, because by the time pregnancy occurs, the couple should have an established, harmonious relationship and their result should be a desired, and not an unexpected, pregnancy. Thirdly, spouses (both, and not “one for all”) must be ready to take responsibility for the birth of a child. And there are still a lot of such “becauses.” When pregnancy occurs, changes occur in a woman’s body that are not visible to the eye until a certain period. These changes affect not only physical aspects, but also psychological ones - for example, such as changes in a woman’s social status, changes in family relationships with a partner, one’s own parents, friends, work colleagues; changes often concern a woman’s physical activity. There is a reassessment of established values. And if a woman has conflicting relationships with others, the world around her seems to bring uncertainty and a threat to her well-being, and the onset of pregnancy in this case is seen as salvation from problems? Does her future child, in her opinion, “guarantee” her safety and a happy family life? In this case, having been born, the child will experience fear of the future, the world around him will seem dysfunctional and scary, the baby will be forced into the role of a guardian by his own mother and someday he will hear: “I gave you my whole life, and you found... some kind of life for yourself.” ! You’re leaving your mother!” In your opinion, was such a woman ready to teach her child to become happy, successful, to be able to realize their capabilities and talents, to create their own happy family and pass on their experience to their children? Sad story, isn't it? Maybe she reminded someone of something? But if such a woman, together with her husband, took a course in preparation for pregnancy and parenthood, as a result she could improve her relationships with loved ones and the world around her. She could learn to perceive the events that happen to her as a good life experience, and would enjoy communicating with other people. And then she would fulfill one of the most important functions of motherhood - she would become happy and teach her baby this. What can happen if a man does not prepare for parenthood? Strange things can happen. You may have ever heard a phrase from a future dad: “Well, once he gives birth, gets him on his feet, teaches him to speak, then I’ll raise him.” This is for three years?! When all the basic mental functions are established, typical behavior (dare I say – the female version) is formed. Where is the father's influence on the formation of a child's attitude towards the world? What is this? This is an abdication of responsibility for the upbringing and development of your child, an unwillingness to participate in the life of your child. Or maybe there is nothing to convey to the baby? No, of course, such a father has a wealth of life experience, only it is perceived negatively and the father does not know how to share this experience qualitatively. Such married couples develop fear for the future, leveling out their own positive experience, low self-esteem - as a result, things develop between husband and wife inharmonious relationships. Reality is often perceived in a highly distorted form. And such behavior may be directly related to the intrauterine experiences of such parents. This experience of future parents can only be diagnosed by a psychologist. Diagnosis of the first intrauterine experience, problems and fears associated with it is important to eliminate the causes of the pathology of developing inharmonious relationships in a couple. When working during preparation for future parenthood with negative prenatal and early childhood experiences, intrapersonal and intrafamily conflicts are eliminated, which can lead to the above-described!» 
