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Spoiler title Expanding spoiler text A person’s personality is formed over the years, and this process begins from the most unconscious age. Throughout our lives, we are influenced by countless factors. Some points may be obvious to us, but about others we have no idea. And yet they have their influence on us and leave their mark. Definition of the concept Before we start talking about complexes, we should define this concept. This will allow us to simplify the perception of the topic and direct the course of reasoning to a common plane. So. Psychological complexes are a set of life experiences that have shaped the mechanisms of behavioral and psycho-emotional reactions to various life situations. You need to understand that complexes are of a purely social nature and work only among people. The emergence and establishment of complexes A complex arises at the moment of refusal to act in a certain situation under the pressure of social factors, such as: attention and possible evaluation from others, fear of public failure, failure to meet social expectations, etc. All this violates a person’s personal psychological comfort. The deeper side of the occurrence of these experiences originates in childhood and depends on relationships in the family and with the child’s close circle. Example: I feel so comfortable... I bring to your attention one fairly common example. This will help illustrate the problem. And so, imagine a child - a boy of about 12 years old. Puberty has not yet arrived. But the child already has ideas about the difference between the sexes. There is also a competitive element for position in the peer group. Summer. Heat. Beach. Our “example” cannot swim. No, he is not afraid of water. At an earlier age, he loved to splash around the shore, pick up pebbles and shells from the bottom and dig in the sand. But now his self-perception in society has changed. His peers invite him into the water, but he refuses. He refuses, explaining that he does not want to swim and is more comfortable on the shore. They call him again, but he insists on his own. Finally they left him behind. He's on the shore. Perhaps you have met people in similar situations or been like this yourself. Now let's look at the options. As a child, he liked to splash in the water. The weather and location are conducive to cooling off. 1. Our “example” could go into the water and simply cool off.2. Our “example” could try to learn to swim.3. Our “example” could offer his peers a game in the water that does not require the ability to swim (for example, volleyball in the water). But instead of all this, he is alone on the shore. It is important that the longer our “example” adheres to this strategy, the stronger the complex will take root in it. And what’s most interesting is that he will force himself to believe that he is more comfortable this way. Refusal to overcome This strategy of behavior does not allow a person to take the path of self-realization. Suppression of natural desires in favor of personal social comfort lowers the level of aspirations. This negatively affects various areas of life and, in particular, communication and establishing social connections. It creates indecision, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s own capabilities, as well as inertia of behavior. Interferes with the formation of leadership qualities. Behavioral strategy and self-esteem Complexes negatively affect a person’s self-esteem. In fact, every time following the lead of one’s own complexes, a person chooses a non-loser strategy, limiting one’s own capabilities and lowering one’s own self-esteem, thereby depriving oneself of the opportunity to realize one’s potential. Which will subsequently affect various areas of life, regardless of the connection with the original situation that gave rise to the complex. Conclusions Since complexes cause problems with self-esteem and limit a person’s personal potential, they need to be gotten rid of. The sooner this happens, the better. It is necessary to understand that overcoming ingrained complexes in adulthood does not allow one to overcome the profound changes that a person has undergone over the course of his life..
