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Handwriting, like fingerprints, is individual for each person. Psychologists believe that it is enough to see a handwritten text to create a psychological portrait of a person. No matter how hard first-graders try to write neat letters and numbers in their notebooks, their handwriting will change over time and take a certain shape. Moreover, often these changes are dramatic - even that it is impossible to read what is written. The science of graphology studies handwriting and its connection with a person’s character. What can you learn about a person from his handwriting? Graphologists accurately determine by handwriting:• level of intelligence;• temperament;• weaknesses and strengths;• level of emotionality;• degree of anxiety;• stress resistance. By the way a person writes, you can tell how confident he is, how open he is to other people, reserved in communication, lazy, etc. The following signs clearly reveal a person’s character: • size of letters and numbers; • tilt; • pen pressure; • frequency of characters; • shape of characters; • neatness, etc. Already at the age of 14 handwriting acquires individual characteristics, but the most accurate description of a person’s character is the manner of writing at the age of 25–45 years. Principles of recognizing personality traits from handwriting. Letter size matters. The larger the handwriting, the more active its owner’s leadership qualities are. Small letters speak of the restraint of a person who does not like to show emotions and has difficulty meeting new people. A firm hand and strong pressure characterize a decisive, self-confident person who knows how to work and get results. The presence of a slope indicates integrity and demands on oneself and to others. Weak pressure, on the contrary, is characteristic of weak-willed, infantile people who do not have their own opinion. Superficial writing can also reflect a slow, sensitive, thoughtful nature. By the way a phrase is written, one can judge a person's attitude towards life. If the line gradually slides down, then the person is most likely prone to pessimism. If it's up, then you're an optimist. Jumping letters characterize an adventurer, a traveler, who is characterized by mood swings and the ability to deceive. A balanced person writes in perfectly even lines, realistically assessing their strengths and having healthy self-esteem. If the shape of the letters resembles a circle or a wide oval, then this is a person who is capable of making concessions. It is difficult for him to achieve goals precisely because of his excessive loyalty. The sharp tops of the signs can signal a selfish personality. Letters written not in conjunction, but as if separately from each other, are characteristic of a person who is accustomed to relying on his intuition. Quick handwriting, in which characters are sometimes connected and sometimes separated, speaks of enterprise and initiative. Graphology studies not only handwriting patterns, but also signatures, drawings and other graphic ways of human self-expression. The individual characteristics of the letter also reflect the emotional state of a person at a certain moment, talk about his psychological problems, contradictions and experiences. Good luck in understanding yourself!
