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From the author: Based on real events - mine and not only.) A famous turtle, which was young like Pinocchio, but once upon a time lived, as we know, in a swamp. Where everything stands still, does not move, or even just...sucks in. With depression, the condition is well.. similar. Mud, dull mud, stagnant water. Or, as it happened to me, there is also a “key” inside, which is covered with so much mud that there is no hope of digging it out, and it vibrates so much that you jump. They would like to open the treasured door, where energy is hidden, where joy is hidden... but often this key does not even vibrate. And you generally forget that it is there... So. How to move the swamp? (smart gestaltists talk about how to isolate a figure from the background..) when there is no one nearby to even poke with a stick... (I mean the therapist). Or is it simply not there, because there is no energy for communication, and there is no time for a therapist...?? I offer 3 simple techniques. Prototypes, yes. 1. Lowen's arc (arch). Or as I call her, a krakozyabra. A bodily exercise to circulate energy throughout the body. What will it give - the pose is such that it is impossible not to disperse the energy. Therefore, there is a revival. Body shaking. This arc works on the largest muscle blocks - back, stomach, legs, butt. With depression, as the respected Alexander L. said, the body becomes stiff. The reaction to an unpleasant situation goes into the body, bypassing the senses, and blocks some area. “I can’t leave - I’ll die, I won’t breathe.” Therefore, the arc removes accumulated tension well and revives it. Recommendation - 5 minutes, daily. Or simply in moments when something completely wrong happens....Technique: stand up, spread your legs shoulder-distance apart, turn your toes slightly inward, bend your knees as far as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, place your fists on your lower back and bend back. Breathe with your belly and hold the pose. Stand for 5-10 minutes, breathing deeply with your stomach. At the same time, at some point you will begin to feel vibration in your legs...2. Chair + pillow = beating. Yes, a very simple technique. The chair should be placed opposite the face, as if a person were sitting there. The pillow is taken in both hands, by the corners. You can simply pound, but I suggest making it a little more complicated: while inhaling, lift the pillow with both hands, while inhaling deeply and preferably through the nose, then pause at the top point - a couple of seconds, then on a deep exhalation (preferably deep to the stomach) - blow . And so 10-15 times. If you feel dizzy, then 5-7. What it gives: a release of energy (anger, aggression, rage, basically anything), plus - in my experience, sometimes a fairly obvious figure is formed on the chair. For example, a boss... all you need to do is stop and ask 'who is this' and 'what am I like now'. You can learn something new....3. Mandala. Leaf + circle. Basically, that's all. And we fill this circle, lines, shapes, whatever. Colors. Or not. A magical technique to get out of any dead end. Because it does not work directly with consciousness, the output is strong, pure and unexpected feelings and sensations. You can say something here about Jung, about the theory of the self (well, the circle = I), but since there is no immediate goal to analyze, you can collect a very good harvest of energy... And maybe ideas... So, let's move the swamp)) If any of you, friends, have a dead end/plug/doubt, then... take a risk) And write the results in the comments. It's interesting )
