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Greetings to all, dear readers, psychologist Lyudmila is with you. I have long wanted to create a topic about childhood trauma. To begin with, this article will only contain a preface, since the topic is very voluminous and it is impossible to fit all the information into it. In the next few articles, I will describe in detail about each childhood trauma separately and its consequences. To fully understand the essence, I will present everything in simple Russian language, without scientific terms. In fact, there are a lot of childhood traumas, everything starts from the very carrying of a child, birth, life after birth, upbringing and its environment, and of course genetics and birth programs do not remain aside. So how do childhood traumas occur? When children are born, they are pure, innocent and spontaneous angels, just as they are and behave naturally and truly, they are happy, sad, capricious, without looking back at anyone and without being embarrassed by anything and without hiding their emotions, feelings and without fear, that they will be judged and punished for this, but parents, adults and the environment, due to their own complexes and stereotypes, begin to set all sorts of limits, restrictions and prohibitions for children, driving and adjusting them to the general standard and social norms of behavior, and children suffer greatly from this, then they rebel and resist as best they can, using their own methods. As a result, since children are still small, defenseless and unable to defend themselves and restrain this pressure from adults, they have to humble themselves, give in and give in, and ultimately adapt to the outside world and circumstances and mold themselves into a new personality that corresponds to what they want from him, adults or in spite of these adults and the environment, figuratively putting on different masks and playing different roles that serve to protect from pain, trials and suffering. Here is the simple mechanism and roots of childhood traumas, which from pure and spontaneous children can be transformed into various kinds of destructive patterns of behavior. Due to such childhood, highly traumatic feelings and experiences provoked by parents, adults and the outside world, all this subsequently forms obvious or hidden psychological or mental disorders, sometimes even smoothly flowing into psychiatric diseases. And when, how and what exactly the next negative event will provoke the release of all this into the light, no one knows for sure, not even the owner of these invisible negative emotional ones, which have accumulated since birth and over the years, forming standard habitual reactions and patterns of behavior. The experience of his parents also greatly influences the child. On the one hand, the child reads the entire behavior model from the parents and tries to be like them, and on the other hand, they can complement the parent’s shortcomings. For example, if the parent is helpless, then the child can be strong; if the parents are authoritarian, then the child is nervous and depressed; if the parents get away with everything, then the child will become impudent; if there is overprotection, then the child will regress. Accordingly, the child either copies his parents, or complements them, or becomes their complete opposite. I would like to note one more nuance, that traumas are still transmitted from generation to generation, on which the family history will be superimposed and this is called genetic memory, which is formed through a set of hereditary reactions that are transmitted to a person through generations. There are many opinions on this matter, including esoteric ones, I am more inclined towards scientific points of view and research carried out in practice. Scientists still attribute all this to pseudo-scientific theories, but at the same time there is already such a direction as psychogenetics and transgenerational psychology, which is being rapidly studied and has practical confirmation. You can read about the influence of genetics here. There are genetic DNA codes that affect appearance, character, race and gender. Each of us has individual qualities, but each of us is.
