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The other day, I was thinking about parenting. More precisely, about what kind of person my daughter will grow up to be. And suddenly, I clearly realized that in my own childhood, in addition to my parents, there were also very important adults for me. People who had a huge influence on me. On holidays, engineers and doctors, physicists and lyricists, just cheerful and interesting people gathered in our house. Remembering their faces and smiles now, I realize how much they taught me, when I was still very young. 1. Support. Try, baby, try! The most important thing is the desire to experiment, start new things and take initiative. First performance with poetry. The first appearance with the audience with a satirical sketch, the first wall newspaper, the first joke, the first disco at home, the first culinary experiment. Everything was received with a bang! There was so much positive feedback and sincere joy in their smiles, eyes, and words. Probably everything was tested on these wonderful people who accepted their modest childhood successes. This fostered a huge belief that it was not scary to try. Everything will work out!2. Worldview. Argue, baby, argue! Conversations at the table are a separate topic. Today I rate the opportunity to “warm my ears” as one of the most important events in the formation of my own views. Disputes about art, purpose, principles and foundations of relationships, morality and morality gave rise to those sprouts of a young vision of the world that was just coming to the surface of consciousness. The clash of different views in a friendly atmosphere taught me to express my thoughts in a reasoned manner, to present arguments and counterarguments, to speak clearly, clearly and to the point. And most importantly, before my eyes, people argued, but remained friends: they found a common language, even holding opposing views on something.3. Internal response. Think, baby, think! Such communication between adults, one way or another, made me think about what is important and valuable to me. Intuitively, I tried to choose a social circle that also “kept the bar high.” I had an example before my eyes, and I wanted my life to be spent interacting with just such people. My horizons expanded as I grew older. It was my family friends and parents who taught me to ask questions and try on what is universal, generally accepted from the point of view of internal response. I am grateful to this experience. Today, when in many families we each sit in the evenings with our own device, gadget, laptop, I have a great desire to say: let's get together! So different, so interesting, so special. Doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, coaches, engineers, workers, office workers, lawyers, physicists and lyricists. Just people. After all, it is by our example of communication, by our topics of conversation that we create a breeding ground for the birth of our children’s worldview! By communicating, we enrich each other, and through this our children learn to be in the unity of different.
