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From the author: “Each of us has desires, dreams, goals, plans. But there is always a feeling that something is missing. A feeling of satisfaction is what is valuable for any person. Activity in achieving what you want is important. To say “I want, I have decided” means to face the results of one’s own decisions. A child cannot survive alone, he needs the care of adults, but as we grow up, we begin to take care of ourselves. Understanding what I want is your task.” Working with clients in my practice, I often encounter requests that prompted me to research one of the common topics - DEPRESSION. What is depression? If we use terminology, then DEPRESSION – (“press”, “suppress”) is a condition that is characterized by the “depressive triad”: decreased mood and loss of the ability to experience joy, impaired thinking (negative judgments, a pessimistic view of what is happening, and so on), inhibition of movements. If we talk about the meaning of this term, then indeed, the verbs “press” and “suppress” are quite often common in childhood. At that age when we cannot express ourselves as we want, but “must” adapt to the “image” that adults instill in us. Thus, living “under the slogan of prohibitions.” Considering depression from different aspects, I built a diagram that reflects its structure: - lack of self-perception; - suppression of feelings; - lack of energy; - “lack of breathing.” The main task in the work of a therapist should be is aimed at: Body movements, eye movements, work with the voice. A person who is a hostage to a depressive state, as a rule, lives immersed in the past, or in an illusory future. For example: if a person was rejected in childhood, he lives with the expectation of acceptance and approval from the outside those around them, which is clearly projected onto an illusory future. Or another example, once in childhood, faced with a situation of helplessness or hopelessness, in adulthood, this person will declare his strength and power to society, hiding his feelings under a mask. By nature, a person can be divided into externally oriented or internally oriented. What are their differences, let's look at: An externally oriented person An internally oriented person Believes in others, thus encountering disappointments in life. Believes in something outside of himself, thus satisfying the need for recognition and significance. And he expects the same response from those for whom he does all this. The transfer of responsibility to others is clearly expressed. Often puts on a “mask of independence,” hiding true dependence on others. Desires are generalized, for example: “I want love, happiness.” Lack of self-awareness and self-centeredness. In one’s life, one is focused on oneself and meeting one’s needs. Doing something for yourself affirms yourself. An open and independent personality type who shows faith in himself and knows the validity of his emotions. Knows what he wants and expresses it specifically, for example: “I’m tense and I need to relax.” Self-awareness position is well developed.
