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From the author: If we only allow violence, it will always cross the boundaries that we would like to set for it. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Dear women, there are different types of violence: - emotional (insults, bans on communicating with significant people, ignoring needs) - economic (blackmail with money, demanding detailed accounts for all expenses, reproaches) - physical (pushing, expulsion from home, beatings) The most dangerous, of course, is physical violence. Dear women, dangerous relationships usually begin with insults, smoothly turning into physical violence. The beatings become stronger each time, and there is more and more cruelty in the relationship. And, if at the beginning of a relationship a partner seeks reconciliation after a quarrel, tries to atone for guilt, then over time the phrases are heard more and more often: “It’s your own fault, you made me mad.” Violence has a cyclical nature - for example, everything is fine for two months, then a violent quarrel, beatings, reconciliation two days later. But over time, the cycle shortens. And now the “good period” lasts three days, and scandals and beatings last a week, a month with breaks for lunch. You are a victim of domestic violence if: - you are afraid to tell your husband that you don’t like something in his behavior - you constantly think , how to behave “correctly” so as not to anger him; you are afraid to be late at work, visiting a friend; you are forced to ask permission to buy tights, underwear, toiletries; if at the slightest sign of your husband’s anger you start to panic; if it seems to you, that life without him is nothing - if you take sick leave so as not to show up at work with bruises - you are filled with pain and sadness, you want to share your next injury with someone, but your friends are already tired of listening to you - you know that you need to leave, but - there is nowhere to live, nothing to live on, I love him... - every day you expect him to understand how much you love him and change - you are constantly looking for excuses for the cruelty of your spouse (he is tired, I got him, he loves me)According to statistics: every year about 14 thousand women die at the hands of their husbands or other loved ones. Russian women suffer from domestic violence three times more often than from violence from strangers. It happens that a woman has just asked for support - her husband beats her, she can’t leave... And a few days later information comes that she is no longer there. And there is no one to save. If you do not value your life, at least value the life and mental health of your children. Don't leave them orphans!!! Violence is not the case when you need to find out who is right and who is wrong. Who is behaving this way and who is not behaving this way must be found out in a safe area, having first protected yourself. Issues of rightness and justice should fade into the background when it comes to preserving life and health! Dear women! The Center for Assistance to Families and Children in Saratov provides assistance to women with children who are in situations of domestic violence. The Center's crisis department provides free accommodation, psychological support and legal services! Save the lives of yourself and your children!
