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In the previous article we looked at the basic laws of meditation, why and why people meditate, what they get from meditation. Choose one of the ready-made techniques and try: Transcendental meditation - It will take about 20 minutes, during which should not disturb anything - Sit comfortably and straighten your back so that breathing is comfortable - Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing the body to relax - Slowly repeat the mantra in your mind, trying to feel it. The mantra is usually given by the teacher, if you do not have such an opportunity, you can use the traditional OMMM. Trataka Meditation You will need an object: a candle, a moon, a mandala, a crystal, a point between the eyebrows. It's better to start with a candle flame. Place the object at eye level, at arm's length - so that you can clearly see it. Close your eyes for 2-3 minutes and breathe calmly. Open your eyes and look at the candle continuously. Try not to strain your eyeballs, then tears will not well up. If your eyes are tired, calmly close them for 15-20 seconds, then contemplate the candle again. Keep calm and if thoughts arise in your head, calmly let them go. Look at the fire as it is, do not think about its properties and everything that you know about the combustion process. At the end, close your eyes and try to keep the image of the candle on the retina for another 2-3 minutes. Pranayama - Sit in the floor of a lotus or half-lotus - Place your index and middle fingers on the area between the eyebrows. The thumb and ring finger will close the nostrils. - Close one of the nostrils with your finger and slowly inhale and then exhale. - The traditional number of cycles is 54 and 108. After you have completed them, move on to the other nostril. I-meditation 1) Breathe slowly for 2-3 minutes and tune in to meditation. Watch your breathing, relax your body, try not to “think” the thoughts that come to you. 2) When you feel relaxed and controlled with your breathing, ask yourself the question - “Who am I?” Get rid of all the images and verbal responses that come to you, and instead focus on the subjective Self. The Self that lives, feels, perceives information, thinks. Go deeper into this consciousness, free from limitations. Or imagine your Self inside, shining and pure, free from associations with the body, affairs and worries. 4) If thoughts and feelings arise in your head, ask yourself the question - “Who is thinking this?”, “Who is feeling this?”, “Who is experiencing this?”. Along with the answer “It’s me!” ask the following question: “Who am I?” and return to the subjective sense of self. 5) Start practicing meditation for a few minutes and try to increase the time. 6) At the end of the meditation, just breathe for a couple of minutes, without concentrating on anything, then open your eyes and finish the meditation. Metta Meditation 1) Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight; 2) Breathe slowly for 2-3 minutes, concentrate on inhalation and exhalation, relax your body; 3) Pay attention to yourself, wish all the best: happiness, good health and prosperity. Slowly, in rhythm with your breathing. Monitor the sensations in your body from your wishes and if you feel tension, direct your breath there. 4) Remember a good friend or loved one and wish him everything you wish yourself. Take your time, feel the good emotions. 5) Now move on to a person towards whom you are neutral - you experience neither positive nor negative emotions. Send light and love in his direction too. 6) And now a stranger or a person whom you have seen only once - wishes for well-being and health are sent to him. 7) Imagine a person with whom you have a bad or tense relationship. From the bottom of your heart, wish him health and prosperity. Don’t forget to notice the sensations in your body and “breathe” into the place where discomfort appears. 8) Gather together all the people you have been thinking about and wish everyone happiness together. 9) Send warmth and light to all living beings on the planet so that they exist in harmony and joy. 10) Stay with me a little longer.
