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If you are a man and are reading this text, then you probably want to understand: - how to communicate so that there is mutual understanding; - how to conflict; - what is wrong with others; - what is wrong with you; - how to build relationships at work with colleagues or boss; - how to build relationships with loved ones. Then I will tell you how to use understanding and expression of emotions to make your life easier and better. Emotions are an important part of every person’s life. They are the basis of communication skills. Soft skills, as they are now commonly called. Denial, avoidance of feelings, and inability to express them lead to disruption of contact with other people. Why, even with himself. Let’s consider an average situation where a certain Vasily really wants to confess his feelings for Maria. If Vasily has developed skills of emotional perception and expression, then he will not only be able to express his feelings for Mary so that the words correspond to his feelings, but he will also be able to understand whether his feelings are truly mutual, whether there is a sincere response or empathy to them. No, Well, isn't it obvious? It turns out that it is not obvious. Have you noticed, when talking with a foreigner, that sometimes you could understand what he was talking about without knowing his language at all? The thing is that the language of emotions is understandable in any language. There was no demand for emotions before. Especially among men. It was not customary to talk about emotions often and openly. People were supposed to do and feel only what was expected of them, no more. Then these people raised their children, passing on the baton of demands to them, seasoning it all with prohibitions and a sense of fear. Emotions are the colors with which a man can fill the events of his life and the lives of loved ones. If you can regulate your emotions, then you own them, and not they are you. Who controls the paints - the artist or the painters? Or can life in black and white cinema bring more joy and pleasure? Life in black and white is simple and understandable: here are your own, there are strangers; this is possible, but this is not. This helps to survive in life-threatening conditions. But the problem is that the world is not divided only into black and white. Emotions have meaning - they signal pleasure and displeasure. A man feels this emotion and can share it with others, depending on the specific situation. Can, with the help of emotion, use its strength and energy to perform an action. All emotions, pleasant or unpleasant, add something, can convey something to the man who feels them. What emotions and what events he can recognize and accept depends on the perception and experience of a man. What is his perception tuned to and what emotions and feelings does this evoke in him? And then what options does he have, what can he do? If the radio receiver cannot receive wide-wave frequencies, then no matter how many wide-wave signals you send to it, it will not receive them. It’s the same with us, men. If a person cannot accept, refuses, leaves, does not notice, denies his emotions, then he will continue to do this until he himself wants to change and learn to understand, accept, show and share emotions. Often I notice that in family relationships, a man, independently or by dividing roles, becomes precisely such a receiver who does not want or does not know how to accept emotions and cannot send them adequately or according to the situation. I invite you to learn to notice, learn to express and manifest yourself through emotions. You can find out how to learn in an individual consultation. Sign up in private messages on the site.
