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From the author: Man and psychologist Vladimir Rakovsky reveals the secrets of male sympathies interview - Marina Ivleva, Vladivostok newspaper!!— Volodya, your trainings for women were called “Bitchology”. The word “bitch,” by the way, according to the dictionary means a vile person and a scoundrel. Is this really a “beautiful image” for a man?!!— Let’s put it this way: good or bad, but a woman who is a bitch is a strong and self-confident lady, right? Can you tell me about the Kalashnikov assault rifle, is it good or bad? By the way, you can kill bandits with a machine gun, and then it becomes very good. No matter how we feel about it, life forces the modern woman to be strong, self-sufficient, and self-confident. Firstly, because there are only a few strong men, and sometimes there are not enough of them at all, and those who exist are at the beer stall. And then the woman, whom nature has endowed with greater survivability - after all, she needs to feed her children, and herself too - says: I will do everything myself. Even the program is a favorite among women: “I myself.” And secondly, men who talk about charming female weaknesses push weak women aside in every possible way and do not give women any concessions in life. Especially in business. And they strive to put them in the kitchen, making them a maid and a bath and laundry plant. And again, people begin to love the strong, bright and... how can I put it mildly, those very little bitches. As in that saying: “There are so many good girls, but something is drawn to the bad ones.” Only men with a pronounced paternal instinct like to take care of weak women, but there are few of them, and for some reason everyone else quickly loses interest in them. And therefore a woman is simply forced to live by the male rules of the game! If she doesn’t want to accept them, she will be poor, barefoot and in the kitchen. If she accepts, she will be the mistress of her own destiny. By the way, such a woman is respected, appreciated and loved by strong men. They see her as a worthy opponent. Sometimes they are a little afraid - after all, she will not allow herself to be offended. They are interested in conquering and conquering her - this is a male instinct... - So, don’t believe your ears when men dream in unison and out loud about gentle, soft, affectionate women who will not contradict? - Believe! After all, a strong woman is strong because she is very different! She's a fluffy cat. With claws, really. Or with claws. But if a man loves her, cares for her and cherishes her, why should she let them out? Then she really is affectionate and caring. But God forbid he offends her! “Does he also agree to live with such a man?” “Judge for yourself.” Here is a man courting a woman: flowers, gifts, attention, coffee in bed. We got married, six months later - no flowers, no gifts, and my husband was at work late. Or with friends. Everything is correct, he won the woman, why continue to court? But this trick won’t work with a bitch. She is independent and self-sufficient. At a time when a quiet and sweet wife whines: “Dinner is getting cold again, and I miss you,” a strong lady knows how to do everything for herself, does not depend on his whims and whims. She doesn’t whine, but simply says: “If you don’t want to, you can’t, I can go myself...” After all, she really has a lot of things to do and hobbies: work, friends, theaters and exhibitions, a gym and a swimming pool. And then he comes to his senses: “Wait, where are you going? Wait, wait, let’s go together!” You cannot command her, you can only negotiate with her. And to be happy if you love, give enough attention and recognition. Unfortunately, most of our boys are raised by women. And often - aunts. And that’s why our men grow up to be eternal boys, who then also look for a caring mother in their wife. And the woman accepts this role: next to her is a child, capricious, wayward, who doesn’t want to do anything. And you can’t force him to do it by any means. Dear women don’t understand one simple thing: don’t force them! Take care of yourself, love yourself. Be bright, interesting, passionate. Just love life. And in your relationship with a man, change your tone! Forget “mother’s” intonations: why are you late? Where have you been? All this reminds me of something from childhood: “Wash your hands and do»!!
