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From the author: Psychotherapist, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, TV program expert, educational psychologist, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, sexologist, NLP master, specialist in the Eastern version of neuroprogramming, coach, trainer. Sometimes we we hear these words. The meaning is clear, but the “filling” is always different. Everyone has their own life situation, and, of course, an individual approach is needed here. As an experienced psychologist, I often come across this topic. And in this case, I came up with my client’s next problem. She said strange words: “I have a feeling that I’m not living, but depicting life.” This was followed by the interpretation that “I kind of exist, but on the other hand I’m not.” During further work, using symbol drama, we analyzed it problematic condition. In this case, it was represented in the form of three spears stuck into the ground. The first spear was wooden and symbolized the belief received from the ancestors along the female line. It was her great-grandmother and great-grandfather who brought with them the problem of survival: “We live hard, this is not life, but survival.” Having accepted this, the client adapted what she received to her modern life realities, but the meaning was preserved, and the severity of life still existed. The next spear was iron. It “came” from dad, and symbolized frustration with life, plus the problems the client received while still at school. Then she was not accepted by her peers. To this state was also added resentment towards life. Gradually, a feeling began to arise that “I am outside of life, it flows somewhere, seethes, but I am not in it - this is not my life.” For an experienced psychologist, this is a “classic of the genre” , clients often have such conditions, and it’s easy to work with. Here it became appropriate to obtain for her the resources of joy, knowledge and some wisdom, which made it possible to gradually include her in life. What remained, in fact, was the last third spear, which was called the “spear of happiness.” What was important here was the desire of the client herself to receive it, eliminating no longer significant obstacles on the way. And at the end of the work, it is often necessary to create a new part, which will henceforth operate. It's like a part of the person himself. A few words on the “theory of parts”. What are parts? - These are certain independent units of consciousness that exist in each of us, they answer the question “what to do?”, and indicate action. To make it more clear to you, dear reader, for example, the driver has a special part that works in him, in fact, he drives his car, everything goes as if automatically. He can talk on the phone and at the same time turn the steering wheel. If some part of us acts the way we want, it is solely because we were not puzzled and did not change its action. Here everything is within our power, and we can transform any part of ourselves, giving it the desired qualities. All this may seem strange to the average person, but experienced psychologists know about this. Using the theory of parts, you can “work wonders” in terms of changing the client. In fact, we created such a part for the client, which became a symbol of the fact that she has already joined her new, prosperous life. All that remains is to quote the words of professor of psychology Kovalev S. V., who gave a basic definition of our well-being: “Well-being equals efficiency plus happiness,” and further: “according to the law of embodiment, you have in your life only what you already have in your own head.” I think that says it all.
