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From the author: Published on my website March 2012 Excellent resource - children's dreams. To renew it you will need all your imagination. Let's do an exercise and travel into the future, and the outside view and the sensations that we experience will be very important to us. The exercise is best done with your eyes closed, in a relaxed state and in a calm environment. Are you ready to go on a journey to your childhood for strong motivating emotions? Then let's go! Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing at the door of your house, or better yet, at the door of your children's room. Now you will open the door and see a baby who, completely unaware of you, is busy with his interesting business. It is you!!! Imagine that you are watching from the side and see what he looks like, what he is doing, you can feel his emotions, his interest... Look very carefully, feel deeper his spiritual notes. He is still just a baby and his whole life is ahead of him. There are a lot of plans for the future in his imagination. And these plans, believe me, are crazy and grandiose. If he dreams of becoming a doctor, then of course the most professional one, if he dreams of becoming a builder, then to build the most beautiful houses, or maybe he wants to be a first-class pilot? All the problems around him seem to be quite within his power as soon as he becomes an adult. He believes in movie superheroes and fairy tales seem quite real to him, and the plots in them are quite feasible. This child’s positive resource is boundless faith in miracles, in his capabilities, in his independent adult future. You are the most reliable person he could really rely on. Think about whether you have fulfilled this child’s childhood dreams. But he believed in you so much!!!
