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From the author: Reviews of treatment with hypnosis -- Examples of how with the help of hypnosis you can get rid of falling in love, erase your ex's love from your life. Hypnosis treatment of sexual disorders, getting rid of falling in love are the main topics of the article, which is intended for doctors and adequate psychologists. The material is taken from the monograph by K. I. Platonov, “The Word is a Healing and Physiological Factor.” Let’s move on to the question of whether, through speech influence, it is possible to eliminate various functional disorders of higher nervous activity associated with the sexual instinct. These disorders can develop through various physiological mechanisms: through the mechanism of obsession in the case of unrealized or deceived love, on the one hand, and through the mechanism of cortico-visceral pathology, in the form of a psychogenic disorder of the function of the sexual sphere, on the other. Let us dwell on the consideration of the picture of a pathological reactive state caused by an acutely experienced sexual desire. As we know, this situation often leads to severe internal conflicts, sometimes ending tragically. However, these difficult personal experiences are usually regarded by doctors as “natural” under certain conditions of human relationships, and the doctor limits himself to advice to “pull yourself together,” “get distracted,” etc., and in the arsenal of medications that the doctor has at his disposal, usually for There is nothing to eliminate them except bromides or valerian tincture. As a result, the doctor in such cases often finds himself in the role of a mute witness, powerless to help in any way, unless he knows the methods of psychotherapy.1. Patient K-, 33 years old, came to us with complaints of a difficult mental state and with a peculiar request, which at first puzzled us and then keenly interested us. The horror of her situation was as follows. Loving and respecting her husband as a person, having a 10-year-old daughter from him, loving her family, she strived for complete family happiness and yet did not have it, vaguely feeling that she was “missing something”: she did not awaken sexual feeling for husband. And now this very violent feeling arose in her, but it was addressed not to her husband, but to his cousin, who had recently settled in their apartment. After a long and painful struggle, she succumbed to the impulse that gripped her and realized “what she lacked for personal happiness.” Despite her love for her husband, she began to be uncontrollably drawn to another person, with whom she was connected by a feeling of a completely different order. An extremely difficult internal conflict was created, from which she did not have the strength to free herself. This led her to thoughts of suicide. Only the question of her daughter’s fate kept her from taking this step. K. came to us with a completely unusual request: “to give for her personal happiness something that she lacked, to receive from her husband what she had from another, to forget the latter, like everything connected with him.” Having some experience in similar, but less complex cases of conflictual relationships, we were not, however, confident in the positive result of psychotherapeutic intervention in the sphere of such intimate relationships - providing a direct, targeted influence on the sexual instinct. Nevertheless, we decided to use psychotherapy. We present the part of this observation that interests us in the form of excerpts from the diary, which the patient, at our request, systematically kept throughout this entire time. "16/X. Many severe conditions have left my nervous system in a state that is difficult to treat. For almost 2 years I have been suffering from physical and mental duality, I suffer not only in my soul, but also in my body, I often lie for days on end due to excruciating headaches, all broken, powerless, deprived of sleep. I had to leave my beloved, previously inspiring work. Treatment by various doctors does not make it any easier, and only the thought of suicide calms me down. When my thoughts stop on the child, and suicide becomes impossible, I am overcome by inexplicable despair... What should I do? Wherethe rescue? I want peace, but it is nowhere to be found... 17/XII. I found peace. After the 1st hypnosis session I immediately felt better... My thoughts brighten... I am much calmer. 18/HP. The 2nd session gave me a night's sleep and a gentle mood... I don't think about “him”... 19/HP. After the 3rd session I was with friends whom I had not been able to see before, like everyone else... It was hard for me to be in public... I gladly went to them... there was also a husband from whom I did not want to leave... 2/1 The hypnosis sessions brought me back to sleep, gave me pleasant dreams instead of nightmares... There are almost no thoughts that worry me about “him”. I insist that “he” leave me... so that he gets married... I am calm when he leaves the house in order to make me jealous. Tonight I didn’t even flinch when he called me, I’m cold towards him... I I calmly react to the manifestation of Othelloan jealousy on his part, to his insane desire to return me to himself, to his threats reaching the point of virtuosity... 10/IJ Physical intimacy with my husband is becoming more and more pleasant for me, more and more necessary... Towards violent caresses. “That one” I am indifferent to, and they even become unpleasant... I5/II. I myself am surprised at my resilience and calmness under our difficult conditions: a shared apartment with him, his physical superiority, his temperament, his importunity, his suffering, his threats 27/P. I don’t recognize myself... Yesterday, while waiting for my husband to come to me, it was as if I was waiting for him for the first time after a long, tedious separation... as if I had never experienced prose and dissatisfaction with him. My husband and I are happy... I only received 8 sessions, and how much they gave me! 5/1II. The past, good and bad, like an echo, is heard somewhere far away... I live a new life... I can read, write, think, take care of my family and not think about death. 17/Sh. 11th session... Yes, I recovered... What seemed beautiful about “him” now irritates... I can’t believe in the past. It seems that I wasn’t the one who experienced everything that happened, that someone told me about tragicomic, insanely absurd love. 26/Sh. I am angry at “the one” who was the cause of our common family misfortunes. Now I live only with my husband and daughter. Only you want to think and care about them, only rejoice and grieve with them. For the past I am ready to throw myself on my knees in front of my husband... And “he” presents me with an ultimatum: either return his love, or I will lie in a pool of my blood... Even this does not frighten me and does not touch me. 31/Sh. Only Now, after the 12th session of hypnosis, I understood and tangibly felt how low his intellect was, how ideologically we disagreed, and how unnecessary and disastrous this connection was. I don’t want to write or talk about “him” anymore... 15. /V. I've been living without sessions for over a month now. I had enough time to analyze my feelings for my husband and for “him.” I have a deep, integral feeling for my husband, which I didn’t have before hypnosis treatment... And for “him”? “He” does not exist for me, and I am even cruel towards him.” Subsequently, we learned that K. even contributed to the marriage of the object of her former passionate desire. We deliberately cited excerpts from the diary of the patient herself in order to better trace the development of the metamorphosis that took place in the nature of a woman’s higher nervous activity, under the influence of our restructuring of the strongest positive sexual conditioned reflexes associated with a certain person into inhibitory, negative, and sexually neutral stimuli for her, previously associated with the entire appearance of her husband, into positive ones. All this determined a new attitude on the part of the patient to these two competing stimuli. What is the physiological mechanism underlying the neurotic state that has arisen? As we see, the situation that has arisen required a long-term acute overstrain of the basic cortical processes in a person apparently belonging to a strongly unbalanced higher type? nervous activity and artistic private. This was a case of a “difficult encounter”, from which it turned out to be possible only by restructuring the relationship and switching the sexual instinct. Thisthe task was completed using 12 sessions of combined psychotherapy (author's observation). We encounter similar experiences in the next observation, when verbal therapy eliminated the same abnormality in the development of sexual desire that occurred in a man.2. Patient O., 32 years old, applied to the dispensary with complaints of a severe neuropsychic condition associated with a strong sexual desire that he experienced for his brother’s wife, who did not meet his lust halfway. Many times, in a fit of anger, he tried to kill her. At the same time, he showed no interest in his own wife. Life in the family became unbearable. After 6 sessions of motivated verbal suggestion, carried out in a state of suggested sleep, the attraction to my brother’s wife and the feeling of anger towards her completely disappeared. Along with this, a long-absent normal attraction to his wife appeared. The follow-up was positive, without any relapses, followed for 2 years (observation 3. A. Kopil-Levina). Let us move on to consider the nature and pathogenetic factors in the development of a neurotic disease caused by the impracticability of the irresistible love attraction that has arisen. On this issue, I. P. Pavlov said that “... a long series of life blows, such as the loss of dear persons, deceived love and other deceptions of life” associated with “torture of self-esteem,” “cause strong reactions in a weak person with various abnormal, so-called somatic symptoms." According to I.M. Sechenov, such an irresistible passion “leads fatally to all sorts of so-called self-sacrifices, that is, it can go against all natural instincts in a person, even the voice of self-preservation,” and “... this kind of phenomenon in essence they are reflexes, only complicated by an admixture of passionate elements” (our detente - K-P.). In the case of the impossibility of attraction, which often acquires the character of an irresistible obsession, a disease develops in the form of neurosis (K. I. Platonov, 1925, 1926). It is based on the mechanism of concentrated irritation of a certain point or region of the cerebral hemispheres, caused by erotic emotion, which is based on a powerful stimulus from the sexual sphere. We mean an intense feeling, a persistent erotic attraction that is either rejected or for some other reason cannot be realized. Such a predominant and irresistible emotion, remaining unsatisfied, can lead to acute overstrain of the nervous processes of the cerebral cortex and the nearest subcortex and cause a breakdown of higher nervous activity, manifested in the form of acute reactive depression, sometimes leading to a catastrophic outcome. It should be emphasized that with this kind of “erogenous” neurotic state, the patient is often left without any medical help, because not only the doctor himself does not find it necessary to question the patient in this direction, but the patient also considers this condition to be “beyond the possibilities of medical influence.” It often happens that the patient, due to understandable shyness, does not dare to be frank with the doctor in the area of ​​such intimate experiences, moreover, associated with enormous emotional tension, the strength and significance of which can easily be underestimated by the doctor. Such experiences often serve as a source of severe disruption of higher nervous activity, sometimes leading to a suicidal outcome. It can be assumed that in these cases we are talking about a firmly fixed complex dynamic structure, which has an extremely difficult impact on the entire character of higher nervous activity. This is manifested by a feeling of melancholy, internal discord, apathy, acute jealousy, accompanied by various, extremely painfully experienced components from the autonomic nervous system, and can lead to inhibition of the activity of the most important parts of the cerebral cortex, representing, as I. P. Pavlov says, “root interests of the whole organism, its integrity, its existence.” In the presence of such an acutely and intensely developed neuroticof a depressive state caused by such a delicate and intimate experience, neither pharmacotherapy nor hydrotherapy, naturally, has an effect. At the same time, psychotherapy carried out while awake or in a drowsy state, or in a suggested dream, in most cases produces a positive and radical effect in a very short time. The latter circumstance clearly contradicts the statement of the famous Swiss psychiatrist and hypnologist Forel (1910), who says that “it would be in vain to instill in a girl in love hatred and antipathy towards her lover, since the feeling of sexual love is much more powerful than the influence of extraneous suggestion.” Forel, apparently, did not mean that in these cases the success of treatment is ensured by the desire of the patient himself to get rid of his feeling. A clear illustration of the effectiveness of psychotherapy can be seen in our observations regarding 52 individuals (12 men and 40 women) who suffered from an “erogenous” neurotic state, and in 30 people the success of treatment was exceptional: the pathological condition was not only completely eliminated, but was eliminated or sharply weakened and the very feeling. In 12 people the success was partial (relief) and only in 10 there was no effect. The reason was that three of them had no desire to be treated, the other seven did not give in to hypnosis, and psychotherapy carried out while awake was not successful for them. The most common causes of erogenous depression in our patients were: unsuccessful first love, left without reciprocity, or complicated by certain obstacles to marriage, the departure of a loved one (husband, wife); moral inferiority of the object of attraction, awareness of the unacceptability of feelings due to a large age difference, mental illness, etc., a second marriage in the presence of a continuing feeling of love for the first husband and an expressed desire to get rid of this feeling, a breakup that occurred due to the dissimilarity of characters, but if both have the same feeling, etc. The doctor’s underestimation of these etiological factors inevitably leads him down the wrong path. Thus, one of our 45-year-old patients, suffering from an erogenous neurotic state, was treated in the clinic for 6 months as suffering from arteriosclerosis to no avail. After finding out the true cause of the disease and combined psychotherapy, the patient recovered. The effect of such therapy is usually persistent and radical. Here are some observations related to this: 1. Patient M., 28 years old, six months before going to the dispensary, was suddenly abandoned by her husband, for whom she continues to have strong feelings. She is in a depressed state and suffers from psychogenic visual and auditory hallucinatory phenomena (the image and voice of her husband) that have lasted for 6 months. She was completely relieved of this condition by 5 sessions of psychotherapy, in which indifference to her husband and complete recovery were instilled. Positive follow-up 22 years (observation of A.E. Breslav).2. Patient N., 21 years old, complained of depression, melancholy, excessive irritability, lack of interest in life, thoughts of suicide, poor sleep, sleepless nights, complete lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss. I've been sick for several months. The reason is the feeling of falling in love with a person who is extremely immoral and stands in all respects below her, which causes “painful experiences.” Independent struggle with feelings and help from others in this direction are ineffective; asks to rid her of this feeling. Explanatory psychotherapy did not produce a positive effect. During 5 sessions of motivated verbal suggestion in a suggested dream, the feeling of falling in love gradually disappeared, and sleep, appetite and the previous good mood were restored, and 2 weeks after the start of treatment the patient felt “completely freed from her nightmare.” Positive follow-up 2 years: healthy, cheerful,she is cheerful, successfully graduated from art school, and never remembers the “object of difficult love.” Thus, with the help of psychotherapy, the root cause of this complex reactive suffering was eliminated. Subsequently, she fell in love with another person and married him (author's observation).3. Patient X., 32 years old, complained of insomnia, loss of interest in life, sharply decreased ability to work, loss of appetite, and emaciation. He connects this state with the “feeling of passionate love that gripped him” for one of his female employees. A fruitless struggle with this feeling, he said, has been “tormenting” him over the past month, and his “suffering is extremely painful.” He came with a request to “help me get rid of this feeling and become able to work again.” Here are his words: “She won me over from the first meeting,” he said with excitement. “At first she treated me kindly, as if showing me attention and preference, and I was captivated by feelings for her... I couldn’t be without her for a minute... I lived and live for her.” And I tremble when I see her... Soon I noticed that she began to date others... jealousy appeared... I began to lose my self-control... this had a bad effect on my work... Moreover, when I saw her with others animated, my heart began to pound, my face turned red and burning, my head was spinning, so my colleagues often mistook me for a drunk... Everything connected with her put me in a trembling state. But she mocked me, flirting with others. When I learned about her new novel, I completely lost my head. My colleagues tried to persuade me to stop thinking about her. Finally, I decided to do this, but I could not forget her: I could not imagine life without her, although I was aware that in terms of mental development she was not a match for me and, besides, she was ugly, but... I was drawn to her, and I I was powerless to leave her...” We conducted psychotherapy in a drowsy state. During the 1st session, when the patient lay with his eyes closed and listened to the words of suggestion, he, in his words, “suffered when they said that he would forget her.” But when he came a week later for the 2nd session, he reported that he felt a significant improvement. Despite daily meetings with her after the service, the attraction to her has become significantly weaker, general health, appetite and sleep have improved, and he does not experience feelings of jealousy, despite the reasons for this. Arriving at the 3rd session, he said: “Although I think about her quite often and there is still an attraction to her, it is of a completely different nature.” If before the start of psychotherapy he had a persistent, painful thought about “her” and every memory caused “mental and heart pain,” now this is not the case. “Now I have more willpower,” the patient declares. At the same time, his feeling also became different: “I like her somehow calmly. Now I’m already taking into account that she won’t arrange my life, but ruin it!” Arriving at the 4th session, the patient stated: “I feel complete composure towards her, I don’t even want to think that I liked her so much. I have been reborn, I feel like I have become different.” During this session, deep sleep was achieved for the first time. In the following days I noted. that after this session he began to sleep deeply and soundly at night and that he treated “her” completely calmly. He refused her invitation to come in: “I have no thoughts about her, I’m in a great mood.” Finally, after the next session he told us: “There is not a trace of feelings for her. I often sit and think: how can a person be reborn! It's like he never loved her! And it’s somehow strange to think: how was I able to get rid of my nightmare state?” After the last, 8th session, he said that he felt “finally freed from his painful illness,” and normal sleep, interest in life, work ability, and willpower were restored: “I am now the same as I was before the illness, I am no longer attracted to it.” no, I don’t even think about her!” After 4 months, he was demonstrated at a conference of psychotherapists and continues to feel well. Despite frequent meetings in an official setting with the former object of his love, he.
