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From the author: Links to previous parts: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Parts 4 and 5: Good day to you, dear readers! Sorry for such a long absence, but, apparently, when you write about changes and you yourself inevitably change. It was the changes in my life that caused the break in the cycle. It seems to have been justified)) Today we will talk about the sixth principle of change, which is called... The principle of “humanity” Very often our desire to change is caused by a narcissistic dominant. That is, the desire to not be ourselves, to achieve perfection in everything. Our own nature seems weak to us, requiring improvement and changes. But it is precisely this desire that prevents us from seeing our true selves. And seeing ourselves in the present is very important in order to bring about truly deep and qualitative changes in ourselves. We can endlessly improve, “build on” new experience, skills and knowledge, but until we recognize our real selves, the foundation will be shaky. I urge you to admit your imperfection. Recognize your weakness and limitations. No, you are not omnipotent. And you will not become millionaires, movie stars or supermen. You will not be able to be equally successful in your personal life, work, self-expression. This is not required of you. Just relax and understand that you are only human. Forgive yourself for your weakness......forgive yourself that sometimes you make mistakes......that you don't act in the best way......remove the guilt for sometimes being angry with people, or experiencing other "negative" feelings. It's in your nature to get angry sometimes......legalize your petty, greedy desires...just recognize them in yourself and allow them to be...allow yourself to be human. [A side effect of following this principle will be a reduction in demands to others. And, as a result, improved communication with other people. A simple mechanism of projection works: without demanding perfection from myself, I do not demand it from others.] And when you recognize your human nature in yourself, it’s as if you have identified a point from which you can move along the path of change. And, believe me, they will not force wait for yourself ;)
