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📍In the article about what you should not do with a psychologist, points from my and my colleagues’ practice. These points affect the quality and speed of therapy/consultation. They may even make it impossible for client and psychologist to collaborate. These points are boundaries and cultivate responsibility and acceptance of oneself and the other person. Understanding the limitations, you have different choices and the results will also depend on this. A professional psychologist will carefully advise you about all these points. You know, it's like instructions for the process and people for the best result! How does it work, for example: *the client is not ready to make an effort, but wants the psychologist to do everything for him; and it is important to learn to create your own life for yourself. *the client generally does not know how to notice another person with his boundaries; it is important to learn to see yourself and the other. *the client extols the psychologist and does not see his real capabilities - when you see reality, there are more options and there are no illusions; *the client does not know how to build relationships and wants to learn this - it is important for him to be able to take into account the interests, emotions of himself and others, etc.; *the client wants to work on his problem for free - this is an imbalance of take-give, devaluation of oneself and others, there will be no responsibility and no result either; * the client thinks that only the psychologist is responsible for the result - this is convenient for the client, but will not give him a good result , this is shifting responsibility and the inability to take one’s life into one’s own hands; All these examples are described very briefly and have many options and content. I can talk a lot and interestingly about how the lives of people who come to a professional psychologist change and how it all works. But, bear with me seven)), there are only 2000 characters here and you need to invest. So, if a person wants to change his life, solve problems, find answers, it is important for him to take into account boundaries and rules. And this is work, as in any relationship, with any person there are such instructions for everyone! And many “Don’t” points are used by scammers and unprofessionals. Let's improve your life together and find ways out of any situation! Sign up with me ✏
