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Free yourself from desires and you will acquire everything you need. The nature of desires is limitless - having acquired one thing, you want another, and then a third is just a stone's throw away... Desire is always a challenge to the world around us. I want, I would like, I wish... “Desire is the fuel of our life.” It wasn’t If there were desires, would there be a reason for depression?.. There are those who tame the power of their own desires, transferring them to the rank of necessary needs. And those for whom desires are a constant wheel of pleasures and delights. Wisdom says: To have a desire in itself not bad - until you start to get angry that you can’t have it. Any desire, no matter what sphere it belongs to: material - spiritual, has a place to be. With the achievement of what you want comes disappointment or a feeling of emptiness. It seems that the wish came true, but there was no increase in happiness (Why is that? The true desire is to be loved. Or needed, noticed, included in the flow of universal life. But there are those who are looking for workarounds. And it turns out: to be loved:- I want to look good... - I want to have a lot... - I want to know a lot... - I want, I want, I want... This approach is deceptive, as it turns a person into a servant of his desires. The pendulums (system) of desires begin to promise “refined” love. , a little more and we will live, the long-awaited happiness will come... But it does not come ((The law of balance says: in order to receive, you need to give and forget. Giving yourself, your fruits, sharing with others what is most precious - suddenly a miracle happens. We receive, we gain, we comprehend, we are filled. This is how an artist gives himself in paintings, a writer in books, a creator in creativity, receiving in return beneficial energy that inspires new works. Any positive emotion, feeling given to a loved one or just a passer-by returns as a warm wave in the heart or as a pleasant surprise from fate. .Love is a universal flow of energy that comes to those who are ready to create, create, forgive, help. With uv. Oksana Rozanova
