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From the author: What makes us doubt when choosing from several alternatives? How can we cope with this? This article is devoted to the answers to these questions. At times, sophistication appears as the ability to make the right choice in accordance with intuition. Jacques Derrida In the film “Route 60,” the main character, a young guy, made a wish to receive an answer to all questions. The magic ball told him what to do in difficult and sometimes critical situations, displaying the answers “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. I think many would not refuse such a ball. How easy it would be to make decisions and choices with him! To go or not to go on a date? Change jobs or stay? Should we buy dollars or sell? We can continue this topic endlessly, because choice runs like a red thread throughout our entire lives. Every day we make some choice. Not just one, but dozens. Nevertheless, many are tormented by the problem of choice. They complain that it is difficult for them to make a decision, primarily because of the fear of making a mistake. Another reason for the stupor that a person faces when faced with an important choice is the fear of the unknown. “What if I get married and then the feelings disappear?” “What if I don’t have a good relationship with management at my new job?” Doubt, raised on various fears, including those listed above, stands in the way of the one who chooses. How to deal with indecision? After all, procrastination usually “adds fuel to the fire.” The longer we wait to make a decision, the higher the wall of doubt grows. To break through this wall, I propose to take two paths at once, using both logic and intuition. Or left and right hemispheres. Or mind and soul. Or Proving and Thinking. Logical approach. Here, each choice option is reduced to a set of indicators, each of which can be assessed in points, for example, from 1 to 10. Indicators should reflect the most significant points of each option, that is, have a connection with internal values ​​and criteria . If we take the situation above with a job change, then such characteristics could be, for example (the first number corresponds to the current option, the second to the desired): Salary level……………………….4……8 Growth opportunity……………… …….2……5Calmness (stress level)……...9……1Having assessed each option according to the proposed indicators, you can calculate the total score. In our example, the current option scored 15 points, and the desired one scored 14. It turns out that a new job with a higher salary and better opportunities for growth will be overall slightly less preferable due to the loss of overall peace of mind. This is an example of a logical approach to decision making. As a result, the Prover will be satisfied, since the whole process will fall into a clear, balanced, thoughtful scheme. Intuitive approach. This approach requires establishing good contact with one’s own unconscious. To do this, it is very desirable that the Prover “does not interfere” for a while. This can be achieved by calming down, choosing a comfortable place to sit and closing your eyes. This is necessary to launch the “alpha” mode, in which both hemispheres interact harmoniously and harmoniously. This is a kind of idyll between the Thinker and the Prover. Raise your hands, resting your elbows on the arms of the chair or placing them on the table. Place your palms parallel to each other. In this position, your palms can easily attract each other or move apart from each other. Try this by making a conscious effort to move them apart a little. Feel how they sway slightly, now converging, now diverging. Now feel how a certain elastic force field appears between your palms, which is firmly connected to them. It can either expand or contract, dragging your palms along with it. Perhaps it will look like some kind of ball. Magic ball. This ball is connected to your unconscious, which in turn has access to any information you want to receive. Mentally ask your unconscious how the answer “YES” will be represented on its part using the ball? The ball will increase?
