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Constellations are a great opportunity to take an excursion not only into the past, but also into the future. Of course, you cannot guess using this method, but it is possible to diagnose how the pregnancy will develop, where problems and difficulties may arise, and how you can help the expectant mother and child. As Bert Hellinger says: “The best thing a mother can do for her child is to do a constellation, and better before his birth,” in order to free the child from unnecessary family regulations, terrible family stories and difficult destinies. It happens that the pregnancy is going well and then there is no need to investigate and find out anything, but it happens that complications occur. A mother may need a female ancestral resource - the energetic support of women of her kind. Or maybe there is a threat of failure and you urgently need to find out from which side the negative energy and “instruction” not to be born are “broadcast” to the child. Sometimes this “prescription” comes from the mother’s family, and sometimes from the father’s family. There is a particularly high risk of pregnancy if the woman had abortions or miscarriages before having this child. We have examples of such work at the Appl Psychological Center. Most often, such arrangements shock customers. It becomes quite obvious that FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPT, an adult soul comes into the world, immediately formed as a certain individuality. FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPT, the future child is already in interaction with all family members, has his own opinion and assessments. The child is absolutely clearly aware of how mom and dad, grandparents, and grandparents treat him, and of course understands whether they want him or not, whether they are waiting for him, whether they love him, or whether they want to kill him. Be very careful not only in words, but in attitudes and emotions. The soul of your unborn child may receive irreparable trauma that it will never overcome during its lifetime. This is not some kind of theoretical assumption, someone’s unprovable fiction, this is a fact, repeatedly manifested in constellations, proven empirically. So, use the Arrangements. This is a good tool for diagnosing anything, including pregnancy.
