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From the author: Surely each of you has heard that in life there are different laws that justify their existence with enviable frequency. These are laws that someone once formulated, carefully observing life and people. Simple patterns that will help every person feel better in this world and find inner harmony. In this article I would like to talk about the law of “give and take.” In my opinion, this law is from the field of energy metabolism. We all interact with each other, which means we exchange energy. And the equivalence of this exchange gives us the opportunity to competently build relationships with others. This law is as follows: giving is as important as the ability to take, the equivalence of these actions leads to balance in relationships and in life. We can imagine many situations when this balance is disturbed and this leads to the collapse of relationships or events. For example, a girl starts dating a guy, but is always determined to take as much as possible from him. What happens next? The young man, being in love, is ready to give everything he has. But after some time, without receiving nourishment from the girl, he turns into an empty vessel. The energy completely went into her. And thus feelings can quickly cool down. A girl, without giving her love and interest in this person in return, only gets short-term benefits. Since this situation quickly dries up, it loses energy. Another option. A person reads books all his life and expands his knowledge. But he is so absorbed in this process of obtaining information that he does not want to do anything with it. It just accumulates it in itself. After some time, such knowledge simply loses its meaning. After all, they are not returned to the world in a revised version. They don't give anyone new knowledge. And it turns out that a person takes, takes, and eventually turns into a swamp in which knowledge rots and loses its energy. And here is another option that can also often be found in life. A person who is unable to take condemns himself to devastation. He simply runs out of energy at some point and loses the ability to love, care and be loved. A woman who always takes care of others, at the expense of her own time, health, etc. She constantly gives. And as soon as situations arise when she can take it, she gets lost and, as a rule, refuses. Well, because it’s somehow inconvenient. In fact, she also makes an unequal exchange. And as a rule, this leads to the fact that a person spends his whole life for the sake of others. And when emptiness arises, a person finally pays attention to himself and realizes that he has received nothing in this life. Longing for the bestowal after all, he does not receive it. And not because others are bad. But because they are already used to taking it. And we are absolutely not ready to give. The “give and take” principle helps us not only to fill, but also to be filled. Pay attention to your life, your behavior. How often do you exchange energy equally with others? Are you a donor of energy, or are you taking more than you are willing to give? Of course, everything in life is relative. And with someone we can be more takers or more givers. If there are some imbalances in your life, then pay attention to this law. Relationships may not go well. And then see if you give and take equally? If some situation bothers you, determine whether everything in it was in balance in terms of energy exchange. Also, each person has his own values. And what is valuable to one may not have any meaning to another. Therefore, in any relationship, it is important to get to know your partner, to understand how you can give back the energy that you received from him. For example, a man can give expensive gifts, but this does not mean that you should return everything to him, down to the penny, with some similar gift. Most likely, there will be a return for him - this is your attention, your admiring glance. And believe me, it will be an equivalent exchange. Or another option. Have you realized that
