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Good day everyone! I don’t even know if there are any psychologists left on this site who haven’t written an article on the topical topic of Coronavirus? I now have a lot more free time than usual, and I also want to write an article - another - a third, and, naturally, it will not be possible to remain silent about the virus... We are surrounded by a huge amount of information, and contradictory information at that. From the opinion of a famous doctor that the virus is one of the varieties of ARVI and it poses a great danger only to very elderly people, weakened people, people with serious chronic diseases, to the opinion of an equally famous political scientist that the virus is a biological weapon, and therefore the situation is more than serious. People are in self-isolation mode, only grocery stores and pharmacies are open, transport is still functioning, some services have switched to working online, and many companies have closed altogether... Some are working almost as before, some are working remotely, someone was laid off or sent “at their own expense”...And the hardest thing in this whole situation is the uncertainty. How long it will be going on? How will it end? Is the virus really that dangerous? Will the authorities of our country and individual Russian settlements cope with its spread? So what - will we survive? Each of us? Our families? Our country? Our civilization? As a person who takes responsibility for everything, including my emotional state, I understand very well that it is very important not to let in information that could cause me to panic. Unfortunately, there is more than enough such information on the Internet. And in my environment there are also desperate panickers who cannot cope with their fear, and they are able to infect others with it. My position is this - there are things that I can control, and there are things that do not depend on me. I switched to online working mode (and I see a lot of advantages in this). but I go out into the street - I have a big dog, I need to walk it. A few days ago, she and I had to visit a veterinary clinic, the stitches were removed after the operation, it was impossible not to go to the doctor. Well, you also have to go to the grocery store, now this is equated to leisure and entertainment. My situation now is this - I’m alone (with a dog) in the apartment. The daughters and their husbands left and decided to try to pass the time of forced vacation outside the city. I miss both of them, I especially miss my grandson and granddaughter, I plan to visit them - if, of course, it works out. I don’t want to be the “mother-in-law from jokes” and impose myself on their families, although, I won’t hide, sometimes I really want to to do... I've been alone since Monday (today is the fifth day), a little unusual, but quite comfortable. Today is the first day without work, I worked on Skype for four days - not much, but at this time it’s a gift! Slowly, household chores are being done for which in ordinary life there was absolutely no time - cleaning, disassembling, “decluttering.” Yesterday I even took out a sewing machine and did a little sewing - of course, my favorite houses - I don’t know yet what they will turn into, most likely into bags for small items. I am constantly in touch by phone and WhatsApp with different people - family, friends , friends, clients, former and current. There is enough communication, if you turn on a video call, then the effect of presence very much replaces live communication. I'll tell you honestly, two weeks ago I panicked. Very. For two main reasons - how will I live a month (what if two?) separated from my grandchildren and what will happen to work = earnings (I have been a freelancer for a long time, a self-employed person, no one will pay me for forced leave). Time passes and everything is gradually getting better. I have a philosophical attitude towards the threat of infection - “You can’t have two deaths, but you can’t avoid one,” although, of course,....
