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One of the current personal queries with which clients turn to a psychologist is how to become self-confident? And this is really important. After all, a self-confident person is more active in life and is able to achieve more where an insecure person would even refuse to try. It is confidence that allows you to go towards your goal and achieve what you want, despite external obstacles and life situations. Everyone understands confidence in their own way. For me, self-confidence is a positive perception of one’s own qualities, virtues, abilities, skills; it is a huge belief in oneself and one’s abilities. Self-confidence is closely related to a person’s self-worth, the ability to value oneself as a birthright and one’s achievements in terms of growth dynamics. Self-confidence or lack of self-confidence is formed from an early age by parents and the environment. The child learns to look at himself through the eyes of people close to him. And from what they see, and what they focus the attention of others on, such an attitude towards oneself is formed in a person for many years, sometimes for the rest of his life. If an adult already understands that he lacks confidence, that he does not believe in his strength and opportunity are not a sentence - it is his choice and responsibility. It is possible and necessary to develop self-confidence if you want to achieve success in any area of ​​life. It is important to understand that this is a fairly serious process of working on yourself in the direction of knowing yourself and your strengths, as well as accepting your shortcomings. Only systematic actions allow you to form a positive attitude towards yourself and self-confidence. How to develop self-confidence? Methods.1. “My virtues” If you were taught that talking about your virtues is not modest, forget it! It is necessary and important to know about your strengths. Until you are aware of your strengths, you cannot use them to your advantage. So, make two lists. The first - 100 of its advantages, the second - 100 disadvantages. Opposite the shortcomings, write down what you want to replace them with, what advantage you want to develop. Work in this direction: monitor the slightest changes, and gradually replace the shortcomings with advantages. The more you personally celebrate your strengths, the more confident you become. If it is difficult to write 100 advantages at once, write down gradually - first 25 - 30 and then add to the required number. And be sure to regularly re-read your virtues and strengths2. Success Diary Keeping a diary has always been used to preserve important moments in life in memory. It is also important to record your success. Every day, write down at least 5 of your successful deeds in a special notebook/notepad. This may be a small, but such an important step for you, since any action that you did not dare to take before, but have now done, is already a success. The main thing is to note this in your diary every day! By recording small daily victories, the spirit of a confident person - a winner - will gradually awaken in you.3. Information filter Information has the ability to influence the emotional sphere and be “deposited” in the subconscious in the form of beliefs, rules, and views. Attend master classes and trainings, watch educational films, listen to motivational lectures, read books on developing confidence and raising self-esteem. Try to benefit from any information and consider it as an opportunity to become more confident in your abilities.4. Resource environment The environment plays a huge role in a person’s life. You are your environment. Try to have less contact with people who do not believe in you and undermine your faith in yourself, people who themselves are afraid to take active decisive action. Such people will keep you in their field of insecurity. Start meeting and communicating with confident people, those who know how to take responsibility, know how to make decisions, know how to overcome difficulties, people who have become successful in the field that interests you. This
