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From the author: 11/17/2011 A wonderful desire is to be rich. Wealth would seem to refer to the material world. If you look more closely, the material and spiritual are very close to each other, even more so - in a harmonious life, one complements the other. Someone may object and say that the main and most important thing is the spiritual world. What if you look “in the face” - by saying this, a person wants to seem better and cleaner. But why seem, it’s easier and more interesting to be yourself. Can't a car relate to both the material and spiritual worlds? His attitude to the material world will be confirmed by many, and to the spiritual... For me it’s like this: I treat the car as an animated being, I thank the Creator for my car, the people who designed and assembled it at the factory. I also thank the car itself for the fact that I drive it with pleasure, and it takes me comfortably, for saving time, and even for important realizations while driving, and the car in return gives me joy, one might say, it responds and acts as a faithful companion .Well, your big beautiful house. When you put your energy, care into the house, maintain cleanliness and order in it, then the house is friendly to the owner, interestingly it can suggest wise things - you just need to “hear.” Now more and more authors of best-selling books say that throughout their lives, through their own experience, they tried to get closer to the spiritual, to purify themselves and become better, wiser, more aware. Moving along their life path, they came to the conclusion that the most beautiful and holistic thing that can be is the acceptance of both the spiritual and material world. That’s right - after all, we live on planet Earth!!! Harmony is the balance of the material and spiritual. All this can be combined perfectly. Each person knows what is best for him. Therefore, when a person listens to himself, his intuition, the Universe will always help and assist.
