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Depression is the other side of a young mother. It just so happens that we, as a rule, associate our own or someone else’s depression with stress, fatigue, professional dissatisfaction, and occasionally with crises. Crises in relationships, as well as financial and age. But the insidiousness of depression lies precisely in the fact that it is also characteristic of such happy moments of our lives as parenthood and, especially, motherhood. What causes this depression? In fact, there are many factors; they can be roughly divided into external and internal. External includes everything that is, in one way or another, connected with society (the people around us and relationships with them). This should include the fact that a young mother becomes sharply limited in communication with former friends and colleagues (after all, from about the middle of pregnancy a woman stops working). A young mother can no longer relax and have fun as carefree as before; she is limited in time, in the time between feedings. It is especially difficult in those “families” where the father does not take part in raising, feeding and serving the child. In such cases, the mother’s time to rest is greatly reduced. Is it hard? Undoubtedly! But internal factors are also added, those real changes (more often, however, the fear of these changes) that occur in a woman’s body and in her head. During pregnancy, the child takes a lot from the mother. During this period, a woman is not recommended to dye or cut her hair, and sunbathing is also prohibited. Problems with teeth, back, skin may arise, as well as a rapidly expanding belly, and with it monstrous inconvenience. A woman, in her understanding, begins to become decrepit, lose shape, appearance, attractiveness, not to mention sexuality. And when a child is born, it also begins to take up time. No matter how joyful the pregnancy period may seem from the outside, for any woman it is, in essence, a tragedy... As a result of the above, deep depression that appears immediately after childbirth or a little later. A young mother may feel as if her whole world has shrunk to just her baby. Only with him can she feel unity and integrity; to some extent we can talk about these feelings as the feelings of the child himself, who “suddenly” found himself in this fickle (sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet) unfriendly, dangerous world, after the previous “paradise” in the mother’s womb. The woman feels as if she has “fallen out” of life and at the same time does not have any personal time. Such a “dead” mother, embittered at everyone and everything, cannot fully give warmth and affection to her child, not only mechanically care for her, but also emotionally warm her, and this is necessary for the full development of her baby. Postpartum depression is a difficult period of motherhood, which every woman goes through. This is something for which it is almost impossible to prepare, you can only live and experience it. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, you always want to sleep, and there are a lot of worries, but this is temporary. What is important to note is that, fortunately, very few women in reality are alone with their difficulties. More often than not, there are people nearby who are ready to help. Another thing is that, being in “her orbit,” a young mother rarely feels this help, feeling (for some reason) general indifference towards herself on the part of her spouse, mother, father or other close people... To make life easier during this period just allow yourself to ask your loved ones for help, allow yourself to accept this help with gratitude. Hear, see, feel the support of your loved ones, this will give you new strength - you are not alone. Feel your pregnancy, your first year with your baby. This will never happen again! Even if you have a second, third, or maybe fourth child, everything will always be different! Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood is not torture, it is a gift. Feel the power of the birth of life within yourself!!! You are a mother - you are a sorceress!!! See you on the pages of articles and life. Sincerely, Alexey
