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I noticed that similar questions are repeatedly asked: “Am I really crazy?” or “I’m not sure about my mental health, maybe I have an illness?” There was once a request: “my wife is asking for a certificate that I am mentally healthy.” It’s interesting, but for some clients this issue is fundamentally important. In this case, I usually recommend: 1) undergo a consultation with a psychiatrist (private psychiatry is currently developed quite well, there is a wide choice of specialists). Perhaps you have some concerns before visiting a psychiatrist? Remember, almost all of us visited a psychiatrist, for example, a routine medical examination or a medical examination to obtain a driver’s license. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that “Mental illness is a disease of the whole organism with predominant brain damage and disruption of brain activity.” P. B. Gannushkin (1924) clarifies: “Mental illness is associated with the state of the whole organism, with the innate constitution of the individual, with the state of his metabolism , with the functioning of the endocrine system, and finally, with the state of the nervous system, both cerebrospinal and autonomic.” In mental illness, reflective activity is distorted, which leads to impaired cognition. It is expressed in a distorted, incorrect, inadequate perception and understanding of objective reality, entails incorrect behavior of the patient, difficulty in adapting to the environment, in which it most often manifests itself (Source - Isaev D.N. Psychopathology of childhood). It is important for them (in their words) to know that they are either sick or healthy, and for this they need some kind of supporting document (or argument). Yes, I agree, there are many theories, “that we are all a little bit...”, or “there are no healthy people, there are underexamined ones.” Yes, we all have certain characteristics, perhaps this is some of the beauty of life, that we are all different. And, from my point of view, in order to remove any doubts about your mental health, a professional consultation with a psychiatrist will be very useful. 2) undergo psychodiagnostics (i.e. testing). Psychodiagnostics can be done by a specialist (psychologist), or independently (although some problems with interpretation may arise). One of the best tests is an adapted, time-tested (and most often criticized by psychologists), voluminous - the MMPI test (or the shorter version SMIL, and also in a very miniature version SMOL or Mini-Mult). There are enough offers on the Internet for diagnostics using this test (You can find the Berezinsky or Sobchik variant, and both options are considered working). And I noticed an amazing moment when some clients, having received the so-called “argument” that they are quite mentally healthy, then they show a higher readiness to work with a psychologist, to change the quality of their life (one gets the feeling that: the psychiatrist said - healthy, the test showed - I’m healthy, and that’s it, there’s no turning back, there’s nothing to cling to, and you have to move forward, take personal responsibility for your life, and solve your problems).
