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Dependent self-esteem of the individual. The dependence of self-esteem and the individual as a whole on society is much greater than on one’s true self, despite what is generally believed to be the opposite. (at least for most people this is a fact). Pursuing the same goals, regarding the same values, choosing similar algorithms for implementation, we become hostages of the same value system, which forms our personal self-esteem. The values ​​of money, material wealth, status, power, ideal comfort make our self-esteem dependent on the level of possession of them, and since, without comparison with other people, with their level of possession of the same values, they do not represent any significance in themselves, then and self-esteem becomes dependent. In other words, in order to determine our self-esteem (personal), we constantly compare our level of development of these values ​​with other people who surround us, and draw a conclusion, not regarding what we have achieved or not, according to these criteria, but regarding the number of people who have achieved less success and greater success in relation to our success. If, for example, more people have achieved less results than me, and fewer have achieved great results, then my self-esteem rises, and vice versa, the more people above and fewer below, the more my personal self-esteem will be reduced. All this leads to biased and dependent assessment of oneself as a person. Our successes depend not only on our efforts, but also on our abilities, talents, level of initial start, family, school, city, country. As a result, we strive throughout our lives to reach the level of other people who are higher, in different ways. The best of them is healthy competition (the rarest), real development and work on yourself. Other methods are more pathological; 1-adjustment, for a positive assessment of others (feigned, artificial behavior, where I try to seem better than I really am), and avoidance of all situations with the possibility of a negative assessment - the formation of social anxiety, social phobias; 2-Criticism, anger, envy (there is no such thing as black or white). The lower my self-esteem, and the fewer opportunities I have to raise it, the sooner I will use the easiest way to increase it - humiliating others, their achievements, personalities, because... Against this background, even without self-praise, I will seem to myself higher than others, “all the rest are immoral monsters, and I...”. A deeply illusory feeling of increased self-esteem, elevation above others automatically arises (main features, bile, arrogance, pride, embitterment, chronic dissatisfaction with others, constant criticism of other people, hatred, desire to take revenge on them). This is one of the “ugliest” methods for increasing your self-esteem. As a result, our self-esteem will always be slightly lower than the projected level, because the ideal, perhaps in the person of specific successful people, will be higher. Moreover, no matter what heights we reach, during self-esteem the mechanism of insatiability is clearly triggered, since we are dealing with a clear psychological need. As a result, a feeling of dissatisfaction will be born, which, on the one hand, will stimulate further growth, on the other, may have the opposite effect - disappointment, depression, anxiety. All these mechanisms lead to the dissolution of individuality in society, loss of unique status, splitting into subpersonalities.
